
Active Member
Anybody complete the 16.3.2 update to a Classic/Touch/SE yet? I'm always a bit hesitant with Dynon, especially since a rollback is a real PITA!
Did it, but NOT SE. No issues. Just did a round trip from Milledgeville Ga KMLJ, to Brunswick GA KBQK.
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Do you have an autopilot? The latest 2-3 versions of 16 have been VERY problematic, mostly with autopilot. Well documented issues on the Dynon forum.
Autopilot, yes. Used it today to & from. Climbs, descents, nav mode and heading mode. No instrument approaches, severe clear today. But, as I added, mine is not the SE version. Mine is a 7A with Classic Touch. Didn’t notice the post originally in the 12 section.
Software mismatch

I did it yesterday, just like I have done it for years. Now, I have a software mismatch between the 10” and the 7” screen. The small one thinks that the installed software is newer than the new one. Have a call in to Dynon tech support, but most likely won’t hear from them until Tuesday.
Sam - I upload on the 10” first then the 7”. 10” is definitely faster. This time there was a message between the 10” and 7” load. Don’t recall what it was but went ahead with the 7” load and both work as required. U may want to try a reload on the 10”. It may reboot and update correctly. I’d try it before waiting for a callback. Id even try to re-upload on the 7”. But that’s me. YMMV.
Done it

I am in agreement with you, except that I have already done most of it. I haven’t tried to reload on the 10 yet, so I may try that. My process has always been to load the 10 first, and then the 7. I have tried to reload the 7 about three time with no success. Maybe reloading the 10 again will do the trick. Thanks!
I updated from 16.0.8 to 16.2.4 in January. I have a SV Classic in my -12. Haven't had any issues (that I've noticed), but I do know a couple people that have and had to roll back, so I'm always a little leery.
I updated my 10" Classic and Touch screens earlier in the week. Flew yesterday and no issues noted.
Man you guys are all getting lucky. haha

With autopilot on, chart a course to a fix and then make sure the next fix is about 45 degrees off (in other words, a sharp turn). See if your autopilot rolls into to the turn like a fighter jet.

That is the biggest issue most of us are having. If I was IMC I would literally poop a brick.
I have installed it in my 10" HDX's and tested. I even flow a fully coupled a RNAV approach and it operated just fine.
Man you guys are all getting lucky. haha

With autopilot on, chart a course to a fix and then make sure the next fix is about 45 degrees off (in other words, a sharp turn). See if your autopilot rolls into to the turn like a fighter jet.

That is the biggest issue most of us are having. If I was IMC I would literally poop a brick.

Is that with 16.3.2??
I noticed with the earlier Skyview version that my autopilot was hunting around +/- 100 feet on the altitude, which I had never seen prior.
I downloaded the Skyview autopilot in flight calibration procedure, but I haven't had time to go play with it.
Have you done this?
I noticed with the earlier Skyview version that my autopilot was hunting around +/- 100 feet on the altitude, which I had never seen prior.
I downloaded the Skyview autopilot in flight calibration procedure, but I haven't had time to go play with it.
Have you done this?

I too noticed this. I went up and did the tuning again just last Friday. My settings had to be changed pretty drastically. One out of the many things Dynon hasn't talked about yet is Alt Gain. I'm betting yours is defaulted to 0.6. After 2 hours of playing around with the tuning guide and still not getting results I wanted I decided to change Alt Gain in 0.1 increments. Once I got to 0.9 it was spot on! No more bucking bronco on a glidslope either. As far as the traditional pitch settings I ended up with this (see pic).

I would absolutely love to see what you get after tuning. The thing that makes me question my settings is how high I had to set my pitch gain. I still don't have a lot of time on these settings but changing that alt gain really seemed to solve a lot of problems in pitch.


  • IMG_2635.jpg
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I made a small course with left and right turns, the legs were 1-3 miles long. I flew the course with 16.0.1 then landed and upgraded to 16.3.2, and re-flew the same course. There was no difference in the way the plane navigated the course or the turns. I flew both at about 4400' and 100kts.
The photos were taken in the same turn of the course, you can zoom on the Dynon to see position.

What I did notice is the alert audio has increased with 16.3.2. I had it at 52% in 16.0.1 and had to lower it to 15% in the latest 16.3.2.

the course

Dynon 16.0.1.jpg
firmware 16.0.1

Dynon 16.3.2.jpg
firmware 16.3.2
I made a small course with left and right turns, the legs were 1-3 miles long. I flew the course with 16.0.1 then landed and upgraded to 16.3.2, and re-flew the same course. There was no difference in the way the plane navigated the course or the turns. I flew both at about 4400' and 100kts.
The photos were taken in the same turn of the course, you can zoom on the Dynon to see position.

What I did notice is the alert audio has increased with 16.3.2. I had it at 52% in 16.0.1 and had to lower it to 15% in the latest 16.3.2.

View attachment 26562
the course

View attachment 26563
firmware 16.0.1

View attachment 26564
firmware 16.3.2

Consider yourself lucky haha. No one seems to know why it affects some and not others. I talked to Don at Dynon awhile back and he still had theories he was testing but they still haven't come out with anything conclusive.

The bank pictures wouldn't detect the problem, the plane isn't overbanking it is just insanely aggressive at rolling into them. All points on the course you plotted would have resulted in aggressive roll-ins on my plane except maybe the middle right. When I say aggressive it usually results in roll slip on the motor. Very aggressive at first and then tapers off to normal.
The bank pictures wouldn't detect the problem, the plane isn't overbanking it is just insanely aggressive at rolling into them. All points on the course you plotted would have resulted in aggressive roll-ins on my plane except maybe the middle right. When I say aggressive it usually results in roll slip on the motor. Very aggressive at first and then tapers off to normal.

It does not roll into the bank fast, at least in my opinion, and it is nothing different than it has always done. here are my settings, maybe it will explain something.

It does not roll into the bank fast, at least in my opinion, and it is nothing different than it has always done. here are my settings, maybe it will explain something.

View attachment 26576

Thanks, I'll go and compare them to mine when I get a chance. Glad the update is working for you. Keep on keepin on!