
Active Member
I have designed my panel for Dynon Skyviews with an ARINC 429 module, being driven by a GNS430W. For redundency I also have a Mid Continent MD222-406 CDI.

Is anyone able to tell me if it's possible for the 430 to display information on the two devices simultaneously or would I need to select one device or the other.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts or advice
You can hook both up at once and have them both work, but it complicates things a bit.

Because the 430 can't command the OBS on the 209 to move by itself, the SkyView ends up slaved to the 209. This means when you do a direct-to, you'll get a message on the 430 telling you to adjust the 209. Every time. You won't get this without the 209, as the 430 just tells SkyView what OBS it wants.

Because of the slaving to the 209, this isn't as much redundancy as you might expect, as a failure in the 209 can take out the usability of the SkyView as well.

This does allow you to watch VOR on the 209 and GPS on the SkyView or vice-versa if you ever wanted to do that.
Thanks for that input. I think the 209 is actually a King where I'm using a Mid Continent. I guess, however, that both work in the same fashion.

Is it more logical to just use the Dynon GPS for the Skyview and run the 430 to the CDI?. I think in the end, it's important for me to be able to do an ILS or GPSRNAV and the Mid Continent CDI will permit this.

I suppose the other alternative would be an SL30 driving the CDI but it still doesn't give me the RNAV function.