
After fixing a leak in the Pitot tube, ADAHRS unable to settle down. When plane not moving, ADAHRS works fine, but as soon as taxiing, it goes in every direction.

To clear the leak, we put a little pressure in the pitot, up to 160kts.

What are you thoughts? What could cause this? Could my AoA be clogged as well, would it be related.

Thanks again
Hopefully you tried to clear the tubes from the ADHRS end not the other way around. My suggestion to clear the tubes would be to apply air pressure from the ADHRS end to all three tubes . After that carry out a zero pressure calibration on the Skyview.
I assume with my answer you are talking airspeed not too sure what you mean by going in every direction.
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maybe helpful, maybe not. I have the D180 system in my '12.
A frequent, seemingly random problem of the attitude "oscillating" (more description, but that's a good word in summary)
Many many flights to try to troubleshoot, many calls to Dynon support.
Finally sorted out the scenario: The adahrs (in the D180 anyway) handles acceleration okay, what it does not handle very well is rapid decel. And, in defense of the D180 design, you don't do rapid decel's very often.
So, I no longer have the problem (I avoid the decelerations)
Might not be helpful, but it's my association of speed, potentially rapid change, and AHRS going crazy.
Hope that helps
After fixing a leak in the Pitot tube, ADAHRS unable to settle down. When plane not moving, ADAHRS works fine, but as soon as taxiing, it goes in every direction.

To clear the leak, we put a little pressure in the pitot, up to 160kts.

What are you thoughts? What could cause this? Could my AoA be clogged as well, would it be related.

Thanks again

The Skyview system needs to be put into test mode before artificially pressuring the pitot, otherwise the calibration will become upset. This is explained in the Skyview installation manual. Suggest you contact Dynon support for how to rectify.

From the manual:

When a pitot or static test is performed the sensors in the SV-ADAHRS-200/201 are being
exposed to dynamics that are impossible to achieve in a real aircraft flight environment,
namely, large airspeed changes without the accompanying accelerations and rotations. This
false condition will cause a well-calibrated unit to incorrectly adjust its calibration.
Furthermore, when a unit is in a test situation a change in applied pitot or static pressure will
cause the attitude to pitch up or down. This is expected.
SkyView contains a special mode that allows you to perform required altimeter and/or airspeed
checks without affecting the calibration of the attitude-sensing components.

To enter pitot/static test mode, go to:
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Thanks guys for your responses. Test mode and recalibration was what was needed. The only thing not working perfectly now is the backup ADAHRS. We will get there, thanks again guys.
Thanks guys for your responses. Test mode and recalibration was what was needed. The only thing not working perfectly now is the backup ADAHRS. We will get there, thanks again guys.

Once these things tumble it can take a bit of flying to get it to settle down/recalibrate itself so don’t be surprised if it does it again.