
Well Known Member
Dynon Avionics is excited to announce that SkyView software 12 is now available. This update adds features most often requested by pilots, including Autopilot Auto-Trim,* OBS mode on the moving map, an optional in air magnetic calibration routine, and over 40 other features and improvements. SkyView 12 is available as a free downloadable update for all Dynon SkyView customers.

Autopilot Auto-Trim

The SkyView Autopilot can now automatically keep the the aircraft in trim while under autopilot control, eliminating the need for the pilot to manually actuate their trim to satisfy the Autopilot?s built-in trim advice. This feature requires that the aircraft has an SV-AP-PANEL and is using its integrated trim controller for electric trim servo actuation. Auto-Trim can be configured on pitch and/or roll axes.

OBS Mode

OBS Mode allows pilots easily set and adjust an inbound course to any navigable point on the map. That inbound course may then be easily adjusted with the HSI CRS knob, similar to how one chooses a VOR radial. This feature is useful to approach an airport from a specific direction, for example, without having to create a second waypoint to create a full flight plan leg. Pilots can essentially treat any point on the map as a ?virtual VOR?.



Optional In-Air Magnetic Calibration

Pilots can now perform an optional in-flight magnetic heading calibration routine in addition to the existing ground calibration. Pilots that opt to perform this calibration are likely to see improved magnetic heading performance during flight maneuvers. It can also improve heading performance in aircraft where the ADAHRS is subject to localized magnetic interference.

Customizable Aircraft Icons

The aircraft icon displayed on the Map and in the HSI can be changed to one of over a dozen types of aircraft.


40+ More Improvements

SkyView 12 also contains over 40 more improvements and fixes. See the full list here.

As always, updated documentation is available, with red-line versions that capture the changes since version 10. There?s a full set of release notes that detail every feature, improvement, and bug fix.

SkyView 12.0 can be downloaded from the Dynon Avionics website.
I have been flying the auto-trim for a couple of months testing it……it works very well and the depiction of which servo is running and in what direction is very cool indeed.

PLEASE NOTE : The runaway trim protection feather still applies though, so if you pull back a heap of power on approach, and the trim speed is in its slow speed range, there is a chance your trim time will hit the runaway trim limit. This will bring up a TRIM FLAG like before, simply press your trim to reactivate and it will continue trimming.

This makes it one heck of a good system….. :):):) I have been busting at the seems to tell everyone how good it is, but had to keep quiet. You have no idea how hard that was!

And the inflight compass calibration works a treat too. Even "upside down" for those in the southern world. It beats the heck out of doing it the hard way.

And the GAMI spread units are correct now too!
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very nice update dynon... auto trim?..dang it, I may have to switch my manual trim to electric now.

Optional In-Air Magnetic Calibration

Excellent addition, The traditional compass rose on most airports are simply to small without enough room to maneuver around and line up with the cardinal headings.
Forefliht anyone

I have a Dynon servo in my wing as i head to a full Dynon package soon. However a friend showed me his Foreflight and now i wonder what the glass panel in the dash really does for me.

Any comments

Nice work though Dynon, still headed there but .... money money money.
Is this the first auto roll trim on the market? Very nice!

Nope...Garmin introduced that about a year ago - so this means that both of the most popular EFIS vendors now have it! That said, we find most folks end up not using it quite as much in comparison to the auto pitch trim (which folks really like a lot). Of course TruTrak gets the honor of having introduced that to sport aviation at a reasonable price a decade or so ago (same with an affordable Yaw Damper).

It can be hard to keep up with the maddening pace of offerings in avionics - so much neat functionality that sometimes it's hard to keep track of, even if you deal with all of them! :)

I have a Dynon servo in my wing as i head to a full Dynon package soon. However a friend showed me his Foreflight and now i wonder what the glass panel in the dash really does for me.

Any comments

Nice work though Dynon, still headed there but .... money money money.

In two years your friend's iPad will need replacing, due to either software or hardware obsolescence.

That said, Foreflight has put together a nice package but with the SkyView, I see no need for it. Just my $.02.
I have a Dynon servo in my wing as i head to a full Dynon package soon. However a friend showed me his Foreflight and now i wonder what the glass panel in the dash really does for me.

Any comments

Nice work though Dynon, still headed there but .... money money money.

Ever tried to use an Ipad in a bubble canopy RV outside in the daytime?
very nice update dynon... auto trim?..dang it, I may have to switch my manual trim to electric now.

Auto-trim is a fantastic feature. It makes the autopilot much more useful and greatly reduces pilot workload. I also use it on departure to assist in cleaning up the cockpit. I engage the AP even when out of trim and auto-trim brings the aircraft into perfect trim within a minute or so.

I'm not using the Dynon version of auto-trim but rather my own design that works seamlessly with SkyView. Nevertheless, I think Dynon's version will be almost as good 😄.
now i wonder what the glass panel in the dash really does for me.

Atittude indication tied to a real ADHARS, not iPad gyros

Synthetic vision tied to same

Autopilot integration

Data recording

Engine/system monitoring

Weight savings over steam + ipad, at least for IFR operation

Integration with radios

AOA beeper / indicator

etc. etc. etc.
Dynon Support,

Will there be future capability to have auto trim without the SV-AP-PANEL? If not, is it a hardware requirement for the auto trim to function? Thanks! Loving the dual screen touch setup on my RV-12!:D
Auto-Trim on SkyView requires the AP panel because it actually has the trim controller in it. There's no way for the AP to reach out and press the trim up/down buttons on your control stick without that panel. The SkyView screen doesn't have trim controlling built in. If all you wanted was auto trim and didn't want to cut a new hole in the panel, you can hide the AP control panel behind your panel and just use the trim controller part of it.
Great system, and I'm sure this will be a good upgrade! Love flying the Skyview. But... One thing I miss compared to my old D10A is the checklists. I still use the D10A every time I fly my RV-9A, and every time, I use the checklists. I can't count how many times we have changed the checklists in the RV-12--rewrite, re-laminate, and replace. I would think that it would be a simple matter to put in the electronic checklists. The kids that usually fly the RV-12 are much more in tune with the electronic versions than even I am, so I think it would be another good step toward a paperless cockpit. Any chance that will happen?

Dynon, since you are so responsive to customer requests, I would ask for runway extensions with runway numbers on the moving map like what many other GPS systems have. Seattle Avionics, for example, has this feature in FlyQ.
Auto-Trim on SkyView requires the AP panel because it actually has the trim controller in it. There's no way for the AP to reach out and press the trim up/down buttons on your control stick without that panel. The SkyView screen doesn't have trim controlling built in. If all you wanted was auto trim and didn't want to cut a new hole in the panel, you can hide the AP control panel behind your panel and just use the trim controller part of it.

Or you can buy Vern's little box and put it in, and achieve the same goal with less cost. This is, of course, assuming you don't have room to put the SV-AP in your panel, or you don't feel like redoing to panel to juggle space.
Or you can buy Vern's little box and put it in, and achieve the same goal with less cost. This is, of course, assuming you don't have room to put the SV-AP in your panel, or you don't feel like redoing to panel to juggle space.

This looks like a pretty good option...any PIREPs on it?
Hello Dynon support!

do you plan, if technically possible, to use the trim controller included in the VP-X to offer the auto trim function?
