mike newall

Well Known Member

Set the first one up OK, but the second one is being a PITA.

Using the current system of downloading some stuff from Vans and some from Dynon. First airplane just used the Vans download files.

I now have an AOA box asking for calibration - and it won't find the trim servo to enable me to calibrate it. The line in hardware calibration is grayed out.

Any help gratefully received.
The Dynon AOA calibration (at least the one I did) was an in-flight process. It had me do a series of +/- 5 degree attitudes followed by one or more stalls to calibrate. Nothing to do with any trim servos - those I calibrated on the ground.

Maybe you have a different system - mine is a SkyView HDX with the Dynon heated pitot/aoa probe. I think that the AOA calibration was on the in-flight setup menu, not on the hardware calibration page.
One thing you are saying is AOA (Angle of Attack). The other thing sounds like you are talking about the AP Panel with trim circuitry. Which one is it? Give me a call & I?ll see if I can help.
Once again, VAF to the rescue !

Emailed Jesse who came back with solution and all now fixed.

Another case of suds I will gladly supply :D

Shame that between Vans and Dynon, they can't come up with a more cohesive instruction package. I had two portable devices open last night going between vans and Dynon to get the install/update/configure sequence and still missed a couple of things.

Maybe it was the fact I am Mac, not Wind*ws that caused some issues.
Shame that between Vans and Dynon, they can't come up with a more cohesive instruction package. I had two portable devices open last night going between vans and Dynon to get the install/update/configure sequence and still missed a couple of things.

Maybe it was the fact I am Mac, not Wind*ws that caused some issues.

The Skyview read-me file available on THIS page of Van's web site is pretty comprehensive and should have had everything you needed to get through the set-up process.

Your comment leaves me a bit confuse, since you said set-up of the first airplane went well, but the second one didn't. Was one G3X and the other Skyview?
Hi Scott

The first one was done a few months ago when there was a single point source for the files from the Vans website.

The set up for that one was relatively straightforward - the issue with this one was dodging between the Vans site and the Dynon site to get files, that's all.

I must have installed the AoA by mistake and the AP-Panel file as well which was confusing the hardware configuration screen.

If you are used to it, as Jesse obviously is, it is straightforward but this isn't my strong area, so clearer procedures would help.

Also, I am English, so have to interpret American :D

All sorted, seems fine now - moving on to the test phase soon.

While you are there..... Why is there an exclamation point to the left of the clock ?
HDX AOA Settings

The Dynon AOA calibration (at least the one I did) was an in-flight process. It had me do a series of +/- 5 degree attitudes followed by one or more stalls to calibrate. Nothing to do with any trim servos - those I calibrated on the ground.

Maybe you have a different system - mine is a SkyView HDX with the Dynon heated pitot/aoa probe. I think that the AOA calibration was on the in-flight setup menu, not on the hardware calibration page.

Claude I'm calibrating my AOA now with HDX and I'm not getting the right tones. Please Some questions: During calibration when do you push the STALL button? After recovery? Or right when you stall? What cruise speed did you start from to do the stall? What percentages did you put in the Audio setup for AOA? I'm hearing tones only right near stall. I'm not hearing ONSPEED.
