
Well Known Member
I'm stuck with an unusual failure down in Key West. Yesterday while flying through some rain, I lost the remote compass, and eventually the screen went blank on my D10A. After landing and allowing everything to dry out, the unit appears to boot up and function, but it it is extremely dark. Like, completely unreadable dark. It does report altitude to the transponder, and the autopilot will engage and hold heading and altitude, but I can't see enough to even navigate to the manual brightness adjustment. Currently, the brightness is controlled by my HS 34, which is a newly overhauled unit with the latest firmware. The D10A is also a new referbed unit with the latest firmware.

I'd sure like to have my attitude reference back. Any ideas?
You could call Dynon and get a button sequence to get to the dimmer controls. I don't have a D10A on hand so I can't help. With the junk moving through the state right now, you don't want to be without attitude.
Great idea Jessie. I know who to call to check if it is indeed a dimmer issue.

And yes, that weather in the panhandle almost got us yesterday.
Dynon is closed the rest of this week, so I'm sorry we can't help you at the office.

The D10A boots up full bright on the logo any time it's power cycled. What you describe sounds like a failure of the backlight for the screen. The computer is working, the screen is working, but there's no light to make it shine. If you can't see the logo at boot, the hardware is broken, and we'll need to get it back at Dynon to repair it. Sorry.
Ok. This thing was just referbished about 90 hours ago. And that back light failure was "extremely inopportune".
Ok. This thing was just referbished about 90 hours ago. And that back light failure was "extremely inopportune".
My D180 backlight failed completely on my first flight! A bit "inopportune" as well. :eek: That said, Dynon was very quick to FedEx me out a newly refurbished unit at no charge. It has been rock solid since (about 200 hours and 2.5 years later).