
Well Known Member
Hi all Just installed the Dynon roll servo in the right wing. Included in the kit was a limiting bracket to prevent the servo over centering. I looked at the travel of the aileron and think the limiting bracket is unnecessary. Additionally, if it came loose in flight it could ruin your whole day. What does the collective wisdom of the forum think?
you can measure the travel when you install it...not necessary. did you put it inside the wing itself? servos don't like rainwater.
I just mounted my servo a few weeks ago, and like you struggled with the limiting bracket. It seemed I couldn't find a good orientation for the limiting bracket so I chucked it. The ailerons have their own travel limiting stops, so just make sure the servo arm cannot go over center from stop to stop and it should be ok.
Thanks PeterK and Kurt I also checked the travel and looks good, no where near over-centering so I'll chuck it too.
Pitch too...

I had the same thing with the pitch servo. I installed the bracket slightly too far aft and had to reverse the orientation of the servo and do a little clearancing of the forward vertical part of the bracket. This made it impossible to install the limit bracket, however, with everything all attached it is not possible to over-center here either and I ultimately left it off.