
Active Member
Here's one of those "oops" moments.
I made an angle iron bracket to mount my RCM on top of the longerons behind the baggage compartment of my RV-4. Talked to Dynon factory support and they said that was an excellent location. I fabricated a sheet metal mounting stand to acheive the correct angle relative to the panel mounted unit. Well, when I fabricated the mounting stand I used brass screws to attach the module, then (and here's the oops :eek:) I attached the mounting stand to the angle iron with blind rivets that have ferrous stems.
Anyone care to speculate if I should drill those bad boys out and replace with non ferrous parts, or is that such a small amount of steel it won't interfere?
I wouldn't worry about the small amount of steel in those blind rivets. Especially since they will not be moving. That small deviation will be compensated for when you "swing" the compass.
The big problems that come from steel is when the steel moves, such as control cables, etc.
No troubles

You'll be fine with the rivet stems. Make sure when you swing your compass module that you have the canopy closed and locked, and all the stuff in the rear mounted in it's final flight ready configuration, IE: fire bottle, ELT, strobe power supply, etc.... I learned this lesson the hard way....
