Doug Crumrine

Active Member
:mad:I have a Dynon D-180 and have my remote compass mounted in the right wingtip. I read a thread about making sure to put it forward of the main spar to prevent magnetic interference from the aileron:mad:.
My problem is I can't get the remote compass to calibrate. I have gone through the Magint & maginc 3 times. I've gotten another magnitometer from Dynon and the compass will still not calibrate and reads about 50 deg off and is very sluggish. I have used a small hand compass to test for magnetic interference and it detects none.
Has anybody had this problem and how did you fix it?
I'm beginning to think the only fix might be to move the remote compass to a new location.
Any ideas?
Do you have the proper inclination ...

built in? I'm not at that point yet (I'm using the Dynon D100 with the remote magnetometer). I made a bracket and placed it behind my baggage area in my -6, ala Bill Repucci, and made sure that the magnetometer was set to the 8 degrees that the instrument panel inclination was set. My instructions made a mention of this.

I'm not sure if this is your problem, but it might not hurt to double-check:confused:

Good Luck, Doug!

The only other issue (besides the inclination) that I can think of might be a magnetic field coming from wingtip wiring, if lights are on. Good luck, sounds like an interesting problem (interesting in that its yours and not mine - if it was mine, it would be a frustrating problem!)

Are you flying yet??

I am using the Dynon D10A w/ the Remote Compass Module. I had entered the proper Mag Inc Angle and Intensity. I had done this quite some time before I actually flew my -6A.

When I took to the air, my D10A was not very accurate in magnetic direction. Back to the installation manual...I had failed to perform the "On Ground/ In Flight Calibration". For me, I used the On Ground with the on-ramp compass rose. Once performed, the compass is right on, even in flight.

While in the install manual, I saw that I also needed to perform the In Flight Zero Pitch ( I had previously played with this setting without really knowing what it was accomplishing). This cleared up the sometimes sluggish indications.

Hope this helps...
:mad:I have a Dynon D-180 and have my remote compass mounted in the right wingtip. I read a thread about making sure to put it forward of the main spar to prevent magnetic interference from the aileron:mad:.
My problem is I can't get the remote compass to calibrate. I have gone through the Magint & maginc 3 times. I've gotten another magnitometer from Dynon and the compass will still not calibrate and reads about 50 deg off and is very sluggish. I have used a small hand compass to test for magnetic interference and it detects none.
Has anybody had this problem and how did you fix it?
I'm beginning to think the only fix might be to move the remote compass to a new location.
Any ideas?


Did you mount it with non-ferrous (sp?) screws. That happened to me and when I changed screws it fixed it.

Did you mount it with non-ferrous (sp?) screws. That happened to me and when I changed screws it fixed it.

Good point. You can buy brass screws, nuts, etc. from your local hardware store or McMaster-Carr. (If only they had a store, I spend days walking the isles!)
Good point. You can buy brass screws, nuts, etc. from your local hardware store or McMaster-Carr. (If only they had a store, I spend days walking the isles!)

The mag in the tail of my RV-6 is attached to the mounting tray with nylon zip ties. Cinch down all four ties and the mag isn't going anywhere. ;)

A couple of ideas.

I have adjusted a lot of magnetic compasses in Cessna 185's and 206's located in wing forward of spar just as you mention.

We always use brass screws and plastic screwdriver. Also dunno about the Dynon, but most times RPM's and current flow (as the airframe is your ground) will affect the calibration [similar to a whiskey compass calibration]. Look at routing of wires being too close. Also, check with lights on and off and look for variance.

Curious to hear what you find.
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Cross your fingers!

We'll I went over the whole system with a handheld compass and I THINK I may have found the problem. My 9 pin connector that I had connected to the magnitometer was made out of a ferrous material and was big time magnetic and would swing the handheld compass 50 degrees. So I removed it and installed a non-ferrous connector. Keep your fingers crossed. I'll let you know after I try to calibrate it again.
Thanks for all the comments!!!!!!!!!!!!
What software version do you have?

Version 5.1.1 has a known glitch in it and Dynon says 5.2 will fix it. If you have 5.1.1 you wont be able to do a calibration so you may as well stop trying.

Dynon said 5.2 should be available in a week:D, that was last week.:(

I have a D10A that they updated from a D10 that I am putting in a friends -8. They sent it to me with the bad software and since they updated it, I don't have an old version I can revert back to so.... he is kinda stuck till they get the next version out.

Hopefully soon!

It was a magnetic 9 pin connector. I calibrated the remote compass/ magnetometer today and it's finally working as advertised. Thanks for y'alls input.