
Well Known Member
I'm probably the only one who didn't figure this out or ask the right questions in advance, but I thought I'd pass this along to help prevent someone else from making the same mistake.
You have all probably read the notice published by Van's regarding their decision not to supply avionics kits, and which goes on to recommend suppliers who will like SteinAir and AFS, and to also list some basic subkits that Van's will offer for options people might like to install in their projects; things like the aileron trim kit and ELT. Anyway, one of the items on the list is the pitot mast. The notice says that the Dynon pitot mast will work with both heated and unheated pitots and even gives you the part number to order from Dynon. So I did. But I bought my Garmin heated pitot from SteinAir which, you guessed it, included a pitot mast. Dynon was a good sport about it and will allow me to return their pitot mast, but I thought I'd pass this along in case any of you guys were getting ready to order this part.
But I bought my Garmin heated pitot from SteinAir which, you guessed it, included a pitot mast.

I don't quite understand this. Is this part of a larger kit? because the GAP 26 Pitot heatet or not, DOES NOT come with a mast. I just checked with garmin becasue I just bought a mast for it and was wondering if I should return this based on what you said...

So maybe Stein has a special package I dont know about? But the regular GAP26 does not come with it...

Don't know what to say to you guys. Mine included a Gretz mast with the GAP 26. The Dynon mast I bought was a gold anodized aluminum mast, but the Gretz, that came with my GAP 26, is a steel mast.
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Don't know what to say to you guys. Mine included a Gretz mast with the GAP 26. The Dynon mast I bought was a gold anodized aluminum mast, but the Gretz, that came with my GAP 26, is a steel mast.

Interesting :cool:

I'm sure others will disagree but I thought the Gretz mast was crude...sent it back and got the Dynon mast which, to me, is a much nicer product.
Yeah. I tend to agree. The Dynon appeared to be more refined (it was longer too by at least an inch), but the GAP 26 fit in the Gretz whereas it didn't fit in the Dynon.
Yeah. I tend to agree. The Dynon appeared to be more refined (it was longer too by at least an inch), but the GAP 26 fit in the Gretz whereas it didn't fit in the Dynon.

I remember the Gap 26 being a tight fit into the Dynon and having to massage it a bit but my log didn't say anything, so it must not have been to bad..

Yeah. I tend to agree. The Dynon appeared to be more refined (it was longer too by at least an inch), but the GAP 26 fit in the Gretz whereas it didn't fit in the Dynon.

Then something at Dynon or Garmin or the mast wasn't built to specification.

From Dynon -

Mounting bracket for Dynon Avionics AOA pitot tube, both heated and unheated version. (Profile for standard AN5812 pitot tubes.)

From Garmin -

Mount: Standard AN5812 pitot tube mount

And the spec they should both be meeting -

Both brands should fit either mast. :)

To get my dynon mast to fit the garmin, i had to squeeze the end in a vise to make it more ?rounder? if that makes sense. I couldnt get them together unless i did this. Now it fits like a glove. YMMV