
Well Known Member
Can anyone tell me does the Dynon Dual Purpose ( Airspeed/AOA) Pitot head fit thro the Rotax Prob Hub assembly OK..? Any probs with setting this up?
Not a chance.

In addition to the boot shape of the Dynon pitot tube you also need to connect two pressure lines to it. I'm just thinking there isn't room to do that.
We do have a "boom probe" that does not have the bend to it. But Bill is probably correct that the size and dual-tubes won't allow it to fit. Does anyone have the size of the Rotax prop Hub assembly?

Dynon Marketing
Pitot Head

Guys can someone give Dynon the Hole size in the Rotax G'Box / Prob Hub assembly so we can see if the Dynon dual AOA/ Pitot Tubes fit thro same??? Thanks!!
AOA Needed

AOA is a feature that many of us RV-12 builders would just love to have. I sure hope that someone will come up with an installation solution!! Everything is already in place, except for getting the input to the D180.

How about mounting a probe in the wing like most other planes. You can have quick disconnects in the baggage area if you remove your wings. I don't hear of many (if any) people actually removing their wings each time they fly so this would probably work.
The hole in the gear box is huge...thats not the prob. The hole in the spinner only take the pitot tube...does the AOA use the same airflow?
The Spinner is

Not the problem. The hole in the spinner would be easy to oversize to accomodate dual pitots. A bigger problem might be the prop pitch selector. Not sure what Sensenich would have to say about opening up that area. Maybe someone could investigate that area and report back.

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Seems like we need to know the diameter of the hole thro the prop then as the Dynon straight probe ( Combination AOA/AirSpeed ) will fit thro both G/Box & Spinner assembly .......Now can we have that prop size hole please for Dynon?
AOA Installation

I was able to view an RV-12 engine/prop installation and noted that the hole in the prop was just slightly larger than the pitot that Van supplies ( less than 1/2").
According to the Dynon info, the straight AOA pitot is 3/4" in dia. That verifies the fact that an alteration of the prop would be necessary. I don't think that it is a big deal, as it appears that an alteration would only be required on the small plastic pitch selector that resides in this space. I would like an "okay" from Sensenich first though.


Mmmmm Perhaps the Dynon BOOM Probe is as small as that as its the L Pitot probe that is 3/4" Diameter any answers there?