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I'm confused as to where I should go my quarterly data base updates for my Skyview updates. I have dual Dynon Skyview D1000T screens. Do you normally go to the Dynon web site or the Van's web site for updates?
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Database updates (FAA and obstruction) come from Dynon. For the Skyview operating system, you can get it from either source. The Van?s site is usually a bit late in getting them out, but will contain configuration files specifically for the RV-12. If you are not familiar with the config files, you better stick to the version from the Van?s site.
Relating to the aviation and obstacles database updates is the Ethernet cable connecting the second screen, or lack of. Each SVT has an Ethernet port and Dynon recommends that an ethernet cable be installed between the displays. This is in addition to the SV network connections. Van's does not include an Ethernet cable in the dual display kit and the instructions are mute regarding it.

According the the Dynon Installation manual the purpose of the Ethernet cable is to allow the updates to transfer to the other screen if they are loaded on any display. Without the Ethernet connection the aviation and obstacles databases will need to be loaded on each display individually.

This is only for the aviation and obstacle updates, any software upgrades have to be loaded to displays individually. For software updates I use the releases from Dynon's web site rather than Van's. The Dynon files have not changed any of the Van's configurations or my configurations that exist on my displays. On the other hand I have in the past had the Van's files change some of my customized settings and reset some things to Van's RV-12 defaults. In any case, for software upgrades, it's always a good plan to do a "save configuration", just in case stuff happens.

Any Ethernet cable will technically work, according to Dynon, but they spec out one of theirs for aircraft use. Dynon part P/N SV-ETHERNET-3CC.

The cable can be installed by easing each display out of the panel, make one connection and snake the cable around to the second display and make its connection.

The updates go quickly even if you have to load them into each display individually but I find having the Ethernet connection makes aviation and obstacle updates even more convenient.
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To echo Tony, I always have updated from the Dynon files when posted to their site and found that existing configurations don't change where Vans posting may change your custom settings to RV-12 defaults. I just built a 7A and also installed dual Skyviews to match my 12 but I added the ethernet cable. Amazed to see that the database updates go to both automatically. Don't know why Vans skips the cable on the 12 but I'm adding it the next time I have the screen out for inspection.
I just loaded SV 15-4-7 onto my plane and downloaded from Dynon because I thought Van?s had said a while back that they would no longer have the software, just updated settings files.
When I saw this thread I checked Van?s site and saw that I?d missed the SV 15-3-5 firmware update and it was on their site!

So one question is:
Does the latest firmware update include the one prior and should I / could I download this and is there an issue if I don?t?
Secondly, do you really have to remove the WiFi adapter? I don?t have any other USBs plugged in when I update.

Thanks for any info.
We (Van's) post the new software from Dynon and the settings files that we create to our web site and strongly recommend (and can only support) waiting until we post our release, in order to avoid issues which could happen (and which in the past have happened, hence this process).

There was a period when we stopped including the Dynon software in our download, but we discovered that resulted in causing more problems that it solved so we returned a couple releases ago to including the Dynon software updates in our downloadable package from our web site.

I think it's worth noting that if you upgrade and we have not completed testing and release of the package, there's likely a reason for the delay. We work closely with Dynon on these releases, but that takes a little time and when we find issues it's important we work through them before releasing to you.

Short version: For the RV-12/12iS wait for Van's to release the complete package.

Thanks for the info! I?ll go back to downloading firmware from Van?s in the future.
The main reason I downloaded from Dynon this time was because of the updated SV-GPS-2020 software.

In the confusion I skipped update 15-3-5 so is that data included in the next update (15-4-7) or do I have to go back and update that one?
Also I really need to remove the WiFi adapter to do the update?
Just to clarify since the title of the thread was database updates.

The database updates that are issued on an every 28 day cycle should be downloaded from the Dynon web site. These are the updates that keep your maps and other info up to date.

The software updates that are periodically issued by Dynon should be downloaded from Van's.
Thanks for the info! I?ll go back to downloading firmware from Van?s in the future.
The main reason I downloaded from Dynon this time was because of the updated SV-GPS-2020 software.

In the confusion I skipped update 15-3-5 so is that data included in the next update (15-4-7) or do I have to go back and update that one?
Also I really need to remove the WiFi adapter to do the update?

Here are the direct answers to the questions I posted.
From Dynon Tech Support:

"You do not have to do the intermediate updates, the latest update is all inclusive. It will have the previous update information included. There is no requirement to remove the WiFi during updates, but it is not a bad idea to prevent any problems."
Thanks I saw that.
I have already downloaded the latest firmware from Dynon and don’t see any settings changes on the Van’s site which currently affect me, but I’ll download from them again in the future.
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I've been using Seattle Avionics for my sectionals, approach plates, enroute charts and airport diagrams for 2 years now. For $100/year it's tough to beat. I believe they support the Dynon equipment, leave the download manager running in the background and it automatically loads updates as the become current. I'm running Dual AFS 5600T's loaded through 2 USB memory sticks.
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