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Dynon Intro's New SkyView Glass Panel
Sun, 01 Nov '09

$3,900 SkyView System Heading For EXP and LSA Markets
Dynon Avionics announces SkyView, a new generation glass cockpit system destined for the Experimental and LSA markets. Dynon's SkyView reportedly offers high quality glass panel avionics with 'incredibly bright' screens, redundant systems, design flexibility, and future upgradability -- and at an affordable price.

The new SkyView System offers a Primary Flight Display, Synthetic Vision, and a terrain map as standard features. An Engine Monitoring System Module and Engine Sensor kit can be added to make a complete Glass Panel System. Integrated autopilot software, to be added in the near future, also comes standard and will require only the addition of two servos, roll and pitch, to make a complete two-axis autopilot system.

A SkyView PFD System starts as low as $3,900 for a 7" display plus ADAHRS (Air Data/Attitude/Heading Reference System) Module. Adding an Engine Monitoring System Module adds $600 for a total of $4,500. Adding a second, redundant ADAHRS Module is only $800. An "Ultimate System", with dual 10" displays, redundant ADAHRS, Engine Monitor, and backup battery is only $9,980.

A selection of SkyView Network cables, in lengths from 3' to 20', is also available to make wiring a SkyView System uncomplicated and quick. Dynon President John Torode notes that, "Our first EFIS products were based on the premise that we could make high-quality avionics available at prices all pilots could afford. I am pleased that our team of engineers and developers can continue this tradition with a technologically advanced system that pilots will love to fly behind."


For those that are/were up to speed on original dynon does this compare to their older stuff, price wise? Is this higher than expected? Lower? or ?? Anyone who orders early and gets it up and flying...please provide pireps.

Glad its out, hope to order a full dynon panel/a/p etc some time early in the new year.
That is a great price for the features and functions!

This stuff just keeps getting better and better!
For those that are/were up to speed on original dynon does this compare to their older stuff, price wise? Is this higher than expected? Lower? or ?? Anyone who orders early and gets it up and flying...please provide pireps.

Glad its out, hope to order a full dynon panel/a/p etc some time early in the new year.

I had entered their pricing contest and I under estimated most of the pricing. I was working from the computer industry model, where the next gen was about the same price, but with more capabilities.

My mistake was thinking that the cost of Skyview is in the hardware. Most of the new capabilities are enabled by new hardware, but the cost is in software development. The totals have come in well over $1000 more than my estimates, which makes the prices about on par with the competitors at GRT and AFS (plus or minus depending on the feature sets you value).

The competitors aren't standing still as well.

I'll wait for the technical publications before doing a thorough analysis, but my gut feel is that this is not a slam-dunk for Dynon.

The big news (pun intended) is what the 10" system will cost, and that's not in the ANN release.

I call it the way I see it.

Ann had the pricing for the dual 10" monitor system at $9980. Backing into the price comes out to around $3800 for the 10" display (no adahrs) or $4600 with adahrs; depending on how much the battery backup costs.
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Price breakdown

Here is a breakdown of the pricing released by "GANews"

Prices for individual components are: SV-D700 SkyView 7-inch Display, $2,700; SV-D1000 SkyView 10-inch Display, $3,600; SV-ADAHRS-200 ADAHRS Module-Primary, $1,200; SV-ADAHRS-201 ADAHRS Module-Backup, $800; SV-EMS-250 Engine Monitoring Module, $600; SV-GPS-250 GPS Receiver Module, $200; and SV-BAT-270 Backup Battery, $180.
Dynon is attending the AOPA Aviation Summit in Tampa next weekend.
I'll be there to get a look at the Skyview on Friday.

I'm running the 10A with the Lowrance 2000C moving map.
I'd like to swap this out.
With $1100 trade in on my 10A, this would get me a nice upgrade for $2800 + $200 for the gps module.

Here is a breakdown of the pricing released by "GANews"

Prices for individual components are: SV-D700 SkyView 7-inch Display, $2,700; SV-D1000 SkyView 10-inch Display, $3,600; SV-ADAHRS-200 ADAHRS Module-Primary, $1,200; SV-ADAHRS-201 ADAHRS Module-Backup, $800; SV-EMS-250 Engine Monitoring Module, $600; SV-GPS-250 GPS Receiver Module, $200; and SV-BAT-270 Backup Battery, $180.

So how did everyone go with the " guess the price ".
This is what I guessed them to be ( if the above is correct pricing )
7" $2,850
10" $3,250
AH1 $995
AH2 $875
Eng $295
Gps $145
Batt $120

I like how I can just buy the module I need at the time.
So how did everyone go with the " guess the price ".
This is what I guessed them to be ( if the above is correct pricing )
7" $2,850
10" $3,250
AH1 $995
AH2 $875
Eng $295
Gps $145
Batt $120

I like how I can just buy the module I need at the time.

Mine was:
7" $2,000
10" $2,500
AH1 $500
AH2 $300
Eng $600 **exact match**
Gps $99
Batt $99

Given that many of the extra features will be extra-cost software, I felt that my estimate was appropriate for the introductory feature set. Oh well.
Okay, so I was WAY OFF. I will place my order on Dec 1st.

SV-D1000 10" Display $5250
SV-D700 7" Display $4950
SV-ADAHRS-200 Air Data Attitude Heading Reference Module ? First $750
SV-ADAHRS-201 Air Data Attitude Heading Reference Module ? Additional (backup) $750
SV-EMS-220 Engine Monitoring Module $1100
SV-GPS-250 GPS Receiver Module $250
SV-BAT-320 Backup Battery $150
Dynon is attending the AOPA Aviation Summit in Tampa next weekend.
I'll be there to get a look at the Skyview on Friday.

I'm running the 10A with the Lowrance 2000C moving map.
I'd like to swap this out.
With $1100 trade in on my 10A, this would get me a nice upgrade for $2800 + $200 for the gps module.


I will give you $1200 for your D10a.
I will give you $1200 for your D10a.

I'll keep that in mind. I'm sure there will several going on the market.
I'm looking at swapping it out sometime around March.
I want to see the new units go into flying RVs prior to committing on a brand new product. That's why I have the 10A and not the 10.

I also have the backup battery, OAT & remote compass. Not sure whether it's useable or they offer credit as well.

I'm sure Dynon is happy to offer us credit for these items as it will impact the sales of new units.
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I see they now have two 10" in a RV-6 ?

the prices about on par with the competitors at GRT and AFS (plus or minus depending on the feature sets you value).

I think if you look at competitor pricing, you'll see were still at least $2,000 less for the same features, which is a huge percentage on $3,900. Nobody else has high resolution Synthetic Vision for anywhere near $3,900.

Start adding any options and we just get farther and farther away from the competition.
Hi Dynon

I think if you look at competitor pricing, you'll see were still at least $2,000 less for the same features, which is a huge percentage on $3,900. Nobody else has high resolution Synthetic Vision for anywhere near $3,900.

Start adding any options and we just get farther and farther away from the competition.

Sorry Dynon. Your statement is a bit bold and incorrect. Check MGL features and pricing.
MGL's synthetic vision or screen is nowhere near the resolution of ours. Plus, they are $3,750 + $1,260 for their most basic 8" package with attitude, so they are still $1000 more. Even MGL's page says "Typical packages complete with attitude and heading sensors around $6,000."
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Dynon, sorry your are wrong.

Again, Sorry Dynon Support. I don?t want to hijack the thread. It?s cool Dynon has a new product. But let?s keep it real Dynon Support.

Again you don?t have it right. MGL has the new MGL168 with incredible graphics. See the following thread for details.

The subject of resolution has been brought up before and I?m sorry, but you are incorrect to say ?MGL's synthetic vision or screen is nowhere near the resolution of ours.? You are wrong. Keep it real.

Plus, you say the most basic 8?. It?s actually 10.4? and it?s not the most basic. It?s all inclusive, built in GPS and auto pilot. Again keep it real.
Facts on screen resolution.

Dynon Support, see this thread for information on MGL screen resolution.

A quote from Rainer from that thread, plus interesting screen resolution information.

I am aware that one of our esteemed competitors likes to tell their prospective costomers about our "low resolution screens and slow frame rates and a few other horror stories" - this kind of thing tends to get back to us as some will want to verify this - we are not concerned, by now there are so many of our instruments flying the word will get out eventually.

See the thread for more information.
We are of course aware of the 168 update for the MGL products. But he has not announced a shipping date or price for those products. The reference to terrain resolution was that MGL uses terrain on a 1KM grid. A point every 1,000M. We have points every 30M. The terrain data for North America on MGL's site is 29 MB. Our North America terrain is 1,500 MB with serious compression. That's a very big difference, and you can't draw an image if you don't have the data.

In reference to screen resolution, I was referring to the physical pixel resolution of the screen, not the update rate (which is again, totally independent of refresh rate, which is what he references). Our 7" screen is 800 X 480 and the 10" is 1024x600, which is 25% to 100% more pixels than on MGL's 10" or 8" screens (they sell both, same specs, same price). Our pixel density is much higher, which means our screens are much sharper.

So given that their terrain database is 2% of the size of ours and their screen is 1/2 the resolution, I'm pretty confident that my statement is valid.

Apologies if you really think we are trying to mislead anyone about the competition. By all means, do the research yourself, and having competition is great. But the original comment referenced two direct competitors who both have similar performance to us at significantly higher prices.
Sounds like Ed may have a case of "Buyers Remorse Envy". I did serious comparison shopping for EFIS units at Oshkosh this summer. I clearly see dual 10" Skyviews in my -10's panel. Hands down a winner that will continue to blow the competition out of the water!:D
I hope everyone can be civil. Friendly competition is a good thing.

To be fair, when I last priced out MGL's Odyssey it came to just under $6k complete with sensors for a 4cyl lycoming. Of course we haven't heard much about the mgl168 in a while, and I'd like to see more.

When I priced out the Dynon I came up with:

10" Skyview $3600
ADAHRS $1200
Engine Monitor $600
Map Software $500
GPS $200
Battery $180
4cyl sensor pkg $600
Total = $6880

(let me know if I butchered any of the numbers)

Overall that's not a big difference in price. I do like the looks of the SkyView bezel better than the Odyssey, and the software does have a more pleasant appearance than the pre-mgl168 Odyssey software. There are a few skyview videos on google video, and the interface looks to be nice and smooth. So far I'm really liking what I see.

Will it interface to MGL's V10 radio?
Sounds like Ed may have a case of "Buyers Remorse Envy". :D

I agree, most people would do a little homework on what type of Efis system is best for them before they put the $$$ down.
One of the best things about building your own aircraft, is you can put what ever you like in it !

Dynon for me thank you !
.... Our North America terrain is 1,500 MB with serious compression....
Our 7" screen is 800 X 480 and the 10" is 1024x600, which is 25% to 100% more pixels than ....

Thanks for the product informations. They are very useful.

Can you talk a bit about the CPU? or GPU?
We all know that higher resolution requires more processing power,
which also means more RAM and data storage,
which also means more electrical power, (** important **)
which also means more heat generated...

how do you handle the above?
and what is the design advantage you have over other designs?
The 10" skyview box draws 30W (2.5A @ 12V, 2.1A @ 14.4V). This is while at full brightness on a 1350 nit screen. The screen is about 1/2 the power draw of the box.

We chose very carefully our processor and platform. It runs fine at 115 deg F ambient with no fans at all. We do have fans on the back, two of them in fact. Two purely for redundancy, and they only need to run in order to get us up to the last part of our 60 degC temp spec (140 degF). We manage heat with a custom designed heat sink that does a great job at even high ambient temperatures, but that's really not that hard when you only need to dissipate 15W. This is not some dual core Intel processor sucking down 35W just for the CPU.
Price Importance from Dynon

I think if you look at competitor pricing, you'll see were still at least $2,000 less for the same features, which is a huge percentage on $3,900. Nobody else has high resolution Synthetic Vision for anywhere near $3,900.

One thing about this pricing from Dynon is it seems really high from the provider that has a reputation and business goal to be the low cost EFIS provider for home builders.

The need and benefits of the the synthetic vision for terrain are NOT obvious but its cost are. If you flying VFR you look out the window. If you fly IFR you maintain MEA. So I hope Dynon isn't dragging us into higher pricing for something optional.

I'm about a year from making EFIS decision and I'll have to make a function by function summation and price comparison. At this point I expect to want only: EFIS (6 pack), AOA, Auto Pilot, and EMS. My Garmin 430 will do nav and com. And it needs to be reliable enough for IFR.

Mr. Dynon, your price/value reputation has been king, I hope it remains so.
We have no plans to discontinue the current products, so you should still have options as low as $1600 from us (The EFIS-D6). We will still have the D180 at $3200 for a full EFIS and EMS, and you can add an AP for $1500.

We are trying to expand our product line to cover more parts of the market, not restrict it to higher end products. In fact, we just announced/shipped the D6/D60 a few months ago, so we're expanding both directions on the price scale.
Seems like some of you are coming down on Dynon pretty hard. Personally, I would not want a product from a Company who does not claim that their product is best both in quality and value. I don't do anything half a.. and it seems like Dynon holds the same position. I haven't seen their competitors posting anything to counter the claims of Dynon. I flew behind one of the competitor EFIS displays today and wan't overly impressed. The screen resolution wasn't that great. The HI/HSI was odd. The VSI wasn't anywhere on the PFD. It did have some cool features, don't get me wrong. Still a big improvement over steam. I think SkyView looks very cool. What I saw at OSH was impressive. I'll be placing my order in 4 weeks.
No matter which EFIS I bought, I would want to be comfortable that the manufacturer would survive many years to support it. That implies that they need to charge a high enough price to make a reasonable profit. If we try to drag prices too low, it may cost us in the end when we can't get support as the manufacturer has gone bankrupt.
Congrats to Dynon. I know the amount of work that went into this new product line, and I can tell you it looks absolutely stunning in person.
Dynon gets my vote, my confidence and my money

I had a D10A in my RV6A (sold)
I have an FD180 in my RV10 (Flying 2.5 years)
I also have a Bluemountain EFIS Gen 4 with synthetic vision. Synthetic vision is a big winner with me and all my flying buddies.
I am very happy with both of my Dynon units both in performance, reliability and price.
The Bluemountain unit is great with synthetic vision. Now that Dynon has a product with synthetic vision I am waiting for the right time to add one to my panel. For me the Dynon units are easy to use, easy to install, reliable and reasonably priced. Add to that Dynon has excellent customer service.
In my opinion you can not go wrong with them.

Son Hoang
RV10 -N172KT
I haven't seen their competitors posting anything to counter the claims of Dynon.

Would you expect that ?
Not from my side. I think in the past I have posted about anything relevant so why repeat ? I have come to respect members of this list as being intelligent enough to make the right choice to suit their intended use and not to be easily caught out. After all, if you can build an aircraft - you can't be all that dumb - would you not agree ?
No, I'm quite happy to give Dynon their 5 minutes in the sun. I for one welcome any companies attempt to produce something nice at a fair price and will state so publicly. Even if the company in question has never had a good word for us and thinks they are somehow at war with us.

Nobody has ever accused us of "resting".
We have a nice saying: "The show is not over until the fat lady sings".

More once Dynon ships their new system, not before (sorry). And this is all I will post on this thread.

CEO MGL Avionics
Not trying to bash your products but when I was at your booth in Oshkosh this year, your sales person was unable to demonstrate the Odyssey for me it was so confusing to operate with all the "F" keys and buttons. If the product sales person has trouble using the product,,,there is no way I will ever be able to use it. On the otherhand, I was able to sucessfully navigate through the Skyview display unit (with no instruction) in just a couple moments it was so E-Z to use. I will not be purchasing my panel for another year but after watching my buddy get the shaft from BM in the Cozy MKIV
we built, I will be very cautious in selecting the EFIS that goes in my panel, and after the experience at Oshkosh, your's is off the table.

David Clifford

Would you expect that ?
Not from my side. I think in the past I have posted about anything relevant so why repeat ? I have come to respect members of this list as being intelligent enough to make the right choice to suit their intended use and not to be easily caught out. After all, if you can build an aircraft - you can't be all that dumb - would you not agree ?
No, I'm quite happy to give Dynon their 5 minutes in the sun. I for one welcome any companies attempt to produce something nice at a fair price and will state so publicly. Even if the company in question has never had a good word for us and thinks they are somehow at war with us.

Nobody has ever accused us of "resting".
We have a nice saying: "The show is not over until the fat lady sings".

More once Dynon ships their new system, not before (sorry). And this is all I will post on this thread.

CEO MGL Avionics
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