Like any other software release, wait, wait wait.
I talked to them today regarding another issue and they said they were backed up in support to correct firmware install issues.

See my other Dynon post.
I love the new firmware - whats the problem

I have the 10A and have 2-3 hours on the new firmware...and I love it, particurally the VSI.

That said, my unit is stand alone. It is not connected to the GPS, transponder and I don't have OAT. I have a remote compass installed but that is pretty much it.

What is getting hosed??
That said, my unit is stand alone. It is not connected to the GPS, transponder and I don't have OAT. I have a remote compass installed but that is pretty much it.

My D10A with the new firmware is connected to an OAT and GPS. All features are working nicely and the new stuff is a big leap forward in capabilities, especially now that it is fully functional with Lowrance units.

I like it! :)
I upgraded to 3.0 on my EFIS 100 and left the EMS 120 on the old version. The two units would not talk to each other via the serial port connection. Dynon informed me it should and did work in there lab. So I upgraded the EMS 120 to 3.0. and the EFIS will display the EMS info but the EMS will not recieve or display EFIS information.
The EFIS is hooked up to a Garmin 430 and the glideslope will not present while tuned in on approach, and the percent power is there but will not display any numbers. Probably operater error on the last two. If I didn't like the new EFIS dispaly so much I would go back to what worked with the old version. Supposedley there is another version not to far behind that will finally let both units use the deicated dsab wires.
Anyone else have any issues with the 3.0version or have any solutions?
Same thing almost

The EFIS will display the EMS infor and you don't need the serial connection...So it must now come over the DSAB (?).

The EFIS info will not show on the EMS however...I still don't have the serial busses connected.

Haven't had time to play with all the features yet.

Frank 7a
I upgraded mine to 3.0. Thought everything was working fine but now I'm not so convinced.

My GX-50 GPS was feeding data to it fine. Now with the upgrade I'm not getting the stream any more. Not sure if there is some setting or something that needs to be changed, but having the fuel economy and wind vector stuff is pretty important to me in terms of efficient flying.

Also, I have a whopping 5 hours on my plane right now, but my Dynon is indicating about a 10 degree left bank in level cruise. Not sure why 'cause it indicates level on the ground. Hmm...

Of course, I have ONLY flown with the 3.0 firmware so not sure if the lean would have happened with the old firmware as well.
EMS information is being sent to the EFIS through DSAB, that's correct. But until the bi-directional DSAB is functional, which I believe is in the next round of updates, you need the serial connection from the EFIS to be sent to the EMS to get flight data on the EMS.

I don't know why the GX-50 info is not being sent to the EFIS. I've been running a Garmin 496 and it works fine through the standard setup--that is, the GPS is hooked to the EMS and that data is shared over DSAB with the EFIS.
