
Well Known Member
Im using the Dynon INTERCOM-PANEL I bought their harness for it. Ive been studying the manual. Confused, at best. Prolly just me, but how does one figure out how to hook this thing up? For example: bundles of wires coming out of harness are labelled. Check. But each bundle has as many as three conductors in addition to the shielding. How does one know which conductor is attached to a pin on the intercom module so it can be connected to wherever it goes? Ive contacted dynon but no answer, yet. They usually respond pretty fast, so im sure its coming. Im just flumoxed and impatient.
I don’t have this harness/intercom, but here’s the standard guess:
1. Usually wires within each bundle are color coded. The instructions should say “Attach yellow wire here, white with green stripe wire there, etc.”
2. If the wires are color coded but the instructions don’t say, then you will have to look at both ends, and put ‘white with gray stripe’ wire into desired pin, and attach the same wire to the proper location at the other end.
3. If wires are not color-coded, you’ll need to use an ohmmeter to figure out what wire at one end is the same wire at the other end.
I don’t have this harness/intercom, but here’s the standard guess:
1. Usually wires within each bundle are color coded. The instructions should say “Attach yellow wire here, white with green stripe wire there, etc.”
2. If the wires are color coded but the instructions don’t say, then you will have to look at both ends, and put ‘white with gray stripe’ wire into desired pin, and attach the same wire to the proper location at the other end.
3. If wires are not color-coded, you’ll need to use an ohmmeter to figure out what wire at one end is the same wire at the other end.

1. If it were that easy, even I could do it. ;)
2. They are colored, but the end at the dSub is obscured, so determining which color goes to which pin is not possible by visual inspection.
3. They are colored, so I guess I will have to chase each one with a meter alligatored to the pins to figure out which color goes to which pin.

I was hoping Dynon had a roadmap for this, that someone else had found, but I can't find it anywhere.

No problem. Alligators, it is.

Is this what you are looking for?


  • SV-HARNESS-INT_Harness_Guide-Rev_A.pdf
    356.8 KB · Views: 402
Interesting that that diagram has the lo side of the aux inputs going to pin 20. The intercom manual states that pin 20 is "sed exclusively for stereo EFIS audio ground. Should not be used for other ground connections." The manual instead calls for them to be tied into the shield grounds, which ultimately are connected to pin 1.

In practice it seems like sharing the lo side of the audio inputs ought to be OK; I assume the warning about not using it for other connections is referring to grounding a shield or something like that.

The only reason I'm really mentioning this is that I've spent a fair amount of time today staring at both my in-progress harness and the install manual. I think I can quote significant portions from memory now...
Still doesn’t help

Turns out the pin out for the 425 is different than the T25, which is what I have. And, if installed by the 425 pin out the T25 will catch fire (according to Dynon tech). Also, the manual says that pin 1 from intercom harness goes to pin 1 of T25. But, elsewhere it indicates pin 1 from intercom goes to ship ground, like the figure from LARCO.

I’m currently discussing this with Dynon and will let you know what transpires.