Dave Bernard

Active Member
Just a heads-up before you cut your panel!

The actual dimensions of the Dynon Intercom that I received were different than listed on the Dynon support documents and the actual template that came with the unit.


I had already cut the big hole for the Skyview and the weird hole for the Com, so this one should be easy, right?

The template shows the intercom needing a 3.36"x1.24" hole in the panel for installation, so I measured twice and cut the panel accordingly (without triple checking the actual dimensions of the unit, of course...)

Unfortunately for me, the unit delivered to me was only 3"x1" :



After a couple hours of swearing and brainstorming, I made a fix with a spacer and backing plate for the nut plates, it all came out looking fine after all.


I did contact Dynon, apparently I am the only person to have received a 3"x1" intercom :confused:

Not bashing Dynon, everything else has gone together great- it just seems strange that I would be the first person to notice this.
I made my Dynon comm and audio panel cutouts exactly the same just in case I ever wanted to swap places with them. Aren't the screw holes on the same spacing and the bezel the exact same size?
I made my Dynon comm and audio panel cutouts exactly the same just in case I ever wanted to swap places with them. Aren't the screw holes on the same spacing and the bezel the exact same size?

Same here. I initially cut it to fit the actual dimensions of the intercom but decided I wanted the option to move things around so all 4 cut-outs are now the same.

You do need to careful to not remove too much material; the edge distance to the screw holes is quite minimal.
I noticed the button on your elevator trim is still intact... That should be removed per the instructions. An inadvertent full deflection abrupt movement of the trim tab would send you for a wild ride, if not rip the tail off:eek:
I noticed the button on your elevator trim is still intact... That should be removed per the instructions. An inadvertent full deflection abrupt movement of the trim tab would send you for a wild ride, if not rip the tail off:eek:

Yup, thanks! I just threw it in there to take the picture, still haven't even installed the cable yet.


Apologies for bringing this thread from the abyss, but it's definitely of interest to me, as I am perhaps the second person to have a 3"x1" Skyview intercom. What's even more interesting is that mine has #8 screw holes in the faceplate instead of #6, which is currently bamboozling me a bit as I cut my panel.

I bought mine secondhand from the classifieds here, and thought perhaps someone had upsized the mount screw holes for some reason, but they appear to still have the original paint inside. Definitely wondering what sort of strange thing I've got on my hands here.

One part of me says to install as-is, the other thinks it'll be really disappointing if this turns out to be a broken unit, and I find myself having four oversize screw holes in the panel.
Install with #6 holes in the panel and use clecoes to hold it in place, until you can power up the panel and confirm it works as intended. Or no screw holes at all, just double sided sticky tape - it will hold long enough to confirm operation.
Just to make things more interesting...I've been digging and trying to figure out the provenance of this. Was thinking maybe there have been two versions of the intercom or something, kind of how the Skyview COM radio has existed in a couple different versions.

Anyway, the thread starter here said something about apparently being the only person to ever get a 3"x1" intercom unit...but the documentation from Dynon shows the radio as being 3" wide... (there are no units shown for the height, which is too bad, that could have made this even more amusing)

Finally, the Dynon site dates the most recent documentation for the intercom to May 2013, which seems to be about the time the intercom went on then market the first time...that, in turn, isn't very consistent with my thought that there have been two different intercoms.

Long story short, I'm suspecting that in actuality, all Skyview intercoms are in fact 3"x1", and the documentation just calls for a larger hole to be somewhat consistent with the other cutouts. Still doesn't answer the question of the faceplate screw holes though...


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