
Active Member
When installing a D-100 and a D-120 with an HS-34 that are inter-connected with DSAB, is it necessary to install a DB-9 serial connector for firmware upgrades on all three pieces of equipment or only on the HS-34. Thanks, Bob.

Unless there has been a change that I am not aware of, you will need an update
link for each piece. A while back, if you had a 100 and a 120 bussed up, these ports were interconnected with a null modem. Dynon eliminated this connection entirely, and all communication was achieved through the buss wiring. I have often wondered why a single port on the buss has not been introduced, and it might be worth an Email to them to inquire if that might be included with a future software update.

NOTE: What many of us with multiple Dynon products have done is to install a 2-pole rotary switch (for Rx and Tx wires; ground doesn't need switching). Rx/Tx pairs are connected to the switch, and the two output wires (along with a ground wire) are run to a single connector. Just select the device to update, don't have to have all those D-Sub connectors under the dash.
It is easy enough to cut some holes in your panel and mount the DB-9's with pop rivets. Since I was an early adopter, I had to connect the two serial connectors together in the days before the DSAB was functional so I had my two DB-9's zip-tied to this extension. After they got that working, I simply cut the holes and permanently mounted the female connectors as shown in the attached picture.

I have often wondered why a single port on the buss has not been introduced, and it might be worth an Email to them to inquire if that might be included with a future software update.

The DSAB bus is not in a format that any standard PC hardware can understand, so there would need to be a smart adapter to do this. Plus, the units themselves don't know how to accept an update over the DSAB bus.

It's a technical possibility to hook the PC to one serial port on one unit and have it update all the others over DSAB, but it's a lot of work for us to implement, so it never bubbled up to the top of the priority list against all the other things we are working on, and we still don't have any plans to do it.