
Well Known Member

This question should have been asked before plunking down dollars: what are the precision and accuracy standards for a Dynon EFIS?

The D-10A and EDC I resently retrofitted to a flying -7 perform acceptably except that the heading tape is useless for precise flying, something akin to using a wet compass. The installation is requirements compliant, latest software loaded, functionalitites verified, compensations and calibrations completed, and assistance asked of Dynon. Yet the heading indication leads and lags turns as much as 15 degrees, error magnitude being heading dependant, turn rate inconsequential. Regaining straight and level, the tape requires 10 or more seconds to drift back to within 3-4 degrees of actual heading. The factory considers such performance within cummulative tolerances, to which I say the worst precessing DG I've ever flown behind was vastly superior.

How well does your D-10A with EDC perform?

John Siebold
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I installed a Dynon D10a with AOA, EDC, and OAT. After the calibration routine was over (took a couple of times), I have been very pleased with the results. The only possible objection is a small "blue" line in the brown portion of the horizon after a roll. This will go away after a 20 deg wing rock. The compass in my installation is very accurate - very little error... :)
EFIS-D10 compass is ROCK SOLID

The heading indication on my EFIS-D10 (not -D10A) with the EDC has been absolutely rock solid. I have never seen a more reliable, stable, heading indication on any other indicator.

Have you calibrated yours? Before I calibrated mine, it was all over the place. But after calibration the thing has been as close to perfect as I would expect it to be. I calibrate it once a year, although I can't detect any difference before/after these interim calibrations (as you'd expect from a digital box!).

I assume in your case it's a calibration issue, but if not, maybe you have a bum unit. Call Dynon and they will help you. Definitely a good company to work with.

)_( Dan
RV-7 N714D (804 hours)

The heading on my Dynon 10 was really bad. I was playing with the unit in calibration mode and hooked to my laptop to see if they would talk. They did and then the heading was really, really bad. One proper calibration with the turn on the ground and the the required turns in the air fixed everything. I have a 296 next to the dynon with no problems.
Thanks for the info, guys. So these things can be precise and accurate. Likely I got a bad unit. The EFIS and EDC were shipped with incompatible software, but correcting that didn't solve the heading problem.

Those of you with an EDC (the remote compass module) who've calibrated more than once: Does each calibration routine require the same time to calculate after you push "end"? Mine at first took 10 seconds to work its abacus, but subsequent routines blow right past the "calculating, please wait" screen to "done", or whatever it says.

I know now this baby's going back to Dynon, but this means reinstalling the cat and duck for IFR.

John Siebold
calibration & test


One more test before you send your unit back. In case you haven't tried this, hold a headset (or a magnet) near the display, near the EFIS-D10[A] while it's turned on. Do you see a change in heading? If you do, then your EDC is not connected properly. If you don't see any change in heading when a magnet is near the display, then your EDC is wired correctly. I only bring this up because it's conceivable that your EDC may not be hooked up properly. Probably not the case, but worth testing.

Calibration response time. As far as I remember (it's been a year since I last calibrated), the calibration response time did not vary. Keep in mind that I have a -D10 not a -D10A, so I have had to use my laptop, and my calibration process presumably is very different from yours. My understanding is that the -D10A doesn't rely on an external computer for the calibration...one of the "advantages" of the -D10A over the -D10. So anyway, your mileage obviously will vary from mine.

)_( Dan
RV-7 N714D