What ignition?

The connections are different if you have a mag or electronic ignition. It also matters if you have a key switch or toggle switches for your ignition.
As an example, mag wiring that goes to a key switch has a jumper on the key switch where you connect the rpm pickup with an in-line resistor. A P-mag has a direct connection to the Dynon D180.

The left mag has the impulse coupler and the 510-2 switch has the jumper. I have configured the dynon to read 1 and 2 revolutions with no indication.

Did you install the 30 kohm resistor between the ignition switch and pin 32 on the Dynon DB37 connector per the instructions on page 3-4? If the resistor is not installed the voltage spike from the impulse mag will be too high for the Dynon and may even damage it. Other than that, check the pins to make sure they are seated and you have a good connection.

Resister is in between keyed switch and dynon. Its a dynon colorcoated harness but ill double check the pins.

Im using slick 4371 L/R
Im using slick 4371 L/R
That?s what I had until I replaced it with a Pmag last week. The P lead from the mag should go to terminal 1 with the jumper installed on the key switch. From terminal 1, the white/green wire should have the 30 kohm resistor in line and go to terminal 32 on the Dynon. The terminals on the connector are numbered as if you were looking at the FlightDek180 from the back. Double check that resistor too, they are very small and the soldered connection can break. If it was originally wired in a straight fashion, you might want to redo it in a ?Z? fashion so the wire helps support the resistor.