
Well Known Member
I’m trying to understand the Dynon AOA Heated Pitot Controller light. It says to wire to switched power so I was going to wire it to the avionics switch so it only got power when avionics was ON. That would have the light ON all the time as long as the pitot heat is turned off and will only go OUT when I turn on the heater and only come back ON if there’s an issue with the heater.

If that’s the case then that light blaring in my eyesight is going to either get tuned out as normal or is going to bother so much I’ll end up turning on the pitot heat even when I don’t need it, just to turn off the light.

The problem I’m worried about is that if there’s a problem with the heater I won’t notice it because I’m so used to seeing that light ON.

Another option would be to wire that light to the same +12vdc on the pitot heater switch so the light only gets power when the heater is ON and has power so the light would only then come on when the heater controller malfunctions BUT then how do I test the light to make sure it’s working?
I have how it works from the instructions, I just have the doubts on the other stuff.

If you feed the lamp power from the load side of the pitot heater switch, it will only provide a light when the pitot is turned on and not working properly. Far more usefull alerting.
And how do I test to make sure the light's working? I hope I don't have to buy one of those old fashioned push to test lights then instead of using a modern LED.
I have a simple idea to make it work.


Check your email. I have a simple fix for your problem that will work.

Will send it to you tomorrow.

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Sent you the wiring diagram


Check your email again. A simple DPDT switch, and a light or LED with resistor.

Easy peasy.

If that?s the case then that light blaring in my eyesight is going to either get tuned out as normal or is going to bother so much I?ll end up turning on the pitot heat even when I don?t need it, just to turn off the light.

The problem I?m worried about is that if there?s a problem with the heater I won?t notice it because I?m so used to seeing that light ON.

I have the Dynon heated pitot/AOA unit and D-180 as well. I used one of the D-180 internal contacts as my indicator. Color is programmed to be green when turned on, and yellow when off or non-functioning. You can create 4-character labels in setup for the contact name and color status. This legacy Dynon gear is a little clunky to program, but it works just fine once you get set up.

The contact pins are mirrored in the HS34, which may be easier to access.

Hope this helps. I can provide additional details if you are interested.
I have the Dynon heated pitot/AOA unit and D-180 as well. I used one of the D-180 internal contacts as my indicator. Color is programmed to be green when turned on, and yellow when off or non-functioning. You can create 4-character labels in setup for the contact name and color status. This legacy Dynon gear is a little clunky to program, but it works just fine once you get set up.
^^^THIS^^^ is the easiest and best way to accomplish what you want to do.

In my display I use BLUE when turned on and BLACK when turned off. You can see the Pitot Heat (PHEAT) all the way to the right on my EMS is OFF (BLACK). When I turn on the Pitot Heat the indicator turns BLUE just like the Carb Heat indication is showing, since the Carb Heat was ON when I took the photo.


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