Dan Langhout

Well Known Member
Any experience directly leak testing a Dynon heated/AOA pitot tube? About to go and get my first 24 month pitot/static check done so I can start flying IFR. Was wanting to do a "pre-check" check so I don't end up standing around the avionics shop while they hunt down some potential leak. I am familiar with the various techniques for pressure testing the pitot/static system in general - my question is about the Dynon pitot specifically.

Dynon's installation document mentions that taping over the drain holes may not provide a pneumatic seal. it also says nothing about what should be done with the AOA port during the pitot test. Any experience/guidance here?
All the pitot/static test done by a certified tech for me used both the pitot and static to test . Here is a video of testing for leaks before you get a certification which may help you and you could use the same for the AOA I would assume:

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Pitot test only required for pressurized aircraft. The tech will hook a line to the pitot to keep from damaging the airspeed indicator during the check.
Pitot test only required for pressurized aircraft. The tech will hook a line to the pitot to keep from damaging the airspeed indicator during the check.


Tape over the pitot drain holes and tape on a hose over both the pitot and AOA ports.

T your vacuum source to both the static and to this pitot connection.


Tape over the pitot drain holes and tape on a hose over both the pitot and AOA ports.

T your vacuum source to both the static and to this pitot connection.


Hmm......... So - checks the basic integrity of all three systems simultaneously; system just sees a non-moving static situation that has moved to a higher altitude ..........? Did I miss anything?
My 2nd test

had my 2nd test done by local A&P that owns an RV8 with Skyview. Don?t remember the details, but here?s a photo mid-test of mine at 8000? and 380 Kts. Dual ADHRS. Compare this to how yours is run.
