
Well Known Member
I know that we are all experimental guys here, but there are folks in here that also own or know people that own those pesky certified airplanes. I just saw this on Dynon's website today:

It looks like dropped a huge bombshell in the certified world!! The HDX is STC'd (or getting STC'd in a few months) to be installed into certified aircraft like the 172. This is absolutely amazing news. One, it will give people the ability to cost effectively upgrade their aging certified panel into the 21st century. Secondly, it should help drive the cost down even further for us experimental guys, as Dynon is able to sell to a much larger audience now!

Way to go Dynon. This is incredible. I imagine Garmin is shaking in their boots right now, unless they have some sort of announcement saved up for this week too :) Either way, having this sort of competition in the certified world is great for everyone.

I am meeting up with the other owner of the 172 I currently fly Tuesday to discuss putting an HDX in our plane. We own the aircraft outright, and being able to borrow against it for this upgrade would be a huge benefit.
That is a huge leap forward for the certified market. Looking forward to expanded AML as well, hopefully, following STC approval in the 172 and Baron.
That is a huge leap forward for the certified market. Looking forward to expanded AML as well, hopefully, following STC approval in the 172 and Baron.

Will you be one of the shops that is able to install this setup in a certified aircraft? :) If so, I may have a 172 needing some love.
I know that we are all experimental guys here, but there are folks in here that also own or know people that own those pesky certified airplanes. I just saw this on Dynon's website today:

It looks like dropped a huge bombshell in the certified world!! The HDX is STC'd (or getting STC'd in a few months) to be installed into certified aircraft like the 172. This is absolutely amazing news. One, it will give people the ability to cost effectively upgrade their aging certified panel into the 21st century. Secondly, it should help drive the cost down even further for us experimental guys, as Dynon is able to sell to a much larger audience now!

Way to go Dynon. This is incredible. I imagine Garmin is shaking in their boots right now, unless they have some sort of announcement saved up for this week too :) Either way, having this sort of competition in the certified world is great for everyone.

I am meeting up with the other owner of the 172 I currently fly Tuesday to discuss putting an HDX in our plane. We own the aircraft outright, and being able to borrow against it for this upgrade would be a huge benefit.

Looks like Garmin is in the game too, just as I would have expected. G3X approved for the XCub, and I'm sure more to follow.

The FAA screws a lot of stuff up, but this sort of thing is finally a step in the right direction, and a small injection of common sense.

STC'd versus low price for EXPERIMENTAL

Great, but I hope it doesn't make the price for experimental airplanes go up.
Great, but I hope it doesn't make the price for experimental airplanes go up.

I don't know about that but I wouldn't be surprised if it gives certificated airplanes a price boost, and maybe a little decrease in experimental values. The latest avionics were a big selling point of EAB. Still, I ain't complaining. The more people flying, and buying aircraft stuff, the better.


Me an my Twinco is patiently waiting...... just think of all those old AC with dated avionics getting this good stuff finally. That ADF on the shelf or those other like kind avionics will soon be worthless except to the "original" guys. Can't wait to pull that century IIIc and throw it and the HSI in the trash.....
Great, but I hope it doesn't make the price for experimental airplanes go up.

The pricing for certified components will be the same as it currently is for the experimental components, but they are saying there will be a fee in the $2,000 range for the STC paperwork, which seems quite reasonable to me.
The pricing for certified components will be the same as it currently is for the experimental components, but they are saying there will be a fee in the $2,000 range for the STC paperwork, which seems quite reasonable to me.

Considering the cost (in dollars and aggravation) of dealing with the FAA in the process of obtaining the STC, and trying to recoup that investment, this $2000 fee for the STC does not sound unreasonable at all to me.

Like a few others I also have a certified bird just waiting for this, in this case a 172, I'll be following the developments on this very carefully.
I see it as good for company longevity

anytime market share takes a quantum leap like this.

We want these visionary companies who survived the first cut in the '90's to be long-term stable. Think what would happen otherwise if a few key players missed an approach in the corporate jet and were gone west... it would be a sad day for every one of us depending on them for support and upgrades.

This makes me think depth and endurance for these players just got potentially much better. I hope AFS derives some coat-tail benefit as well, as I plan to go Advanced right now when the time comes.