
I'm New Here
Hello guys.

My RV7A is currently sitting in with the avionics team for a Dynon upgrade. Previously it had the classic 6pack, with a Garmin 430 (non WAAS) connected to the TruTrack digi 2 autopilot and steam gauge engine isntrumentation. (I'm no Avionics guru and quite new to the RV Scene myself!)

For the upgrade, the following is being installed:

Dynon HDX, Engine Sensors & Fuel flow, Hub, Single Adhars, GPS SV-2020, Dynon ARINC, with the Garmin 430 and Tru Track being intergrated.

In passing the other day, the Avionics Tech said he's not sure how he is going to approach integrating the GNS430, Trutrack digi2 to the HDX. Said something about running out of ports (gamma feeds?) and maybe having to look at switching options? I'm sure you know the drill....When these guys start head scratching, the bank account starts getting very afrad :eek:

My limited undertanding is that the GNS430 can display steering info for the Dynon's HSI and that the Tru Track can be integrated, however will also only receive steering guidnace from the GNS430 and not the Dynon's own GPS source? Would be wonderfull it the trutrack could also capture the Dynon's steering guidance..

Is there anyone who has encountered similar instal points or can offer some advise so I can pass onto my Avionics team?

If you want to use the AP for IFR approaches, you won't want the Dynon GPS source to feed the TruTrak since it doesn't meet today's requirements.

Many have the Dynon AP and tie the 430 via ARINC to the SV to drive their servos. You'll be using the ARINC feed into the TruTrak instead.
Why not replace the Trutrak autopilot with 2 Dynon autopilot servos that the HDX will control? You could potentially recoup most or all of the cost by selling your Trutrak AP and avoid cutting that hole in your new panel. The Dynon servos should bolt right in to your existing mounts, and then everything is integrated. If you don't currently have vertical nav to follow an ILS or RNAV glideslope/glidepath, you'll gain this ability by letting Dynon serve as your AP.

I really like the Skyview AP in my 9A.
Why not replace the Trutrak autopilot with 2 Dynon autopilot servos that the HDX will control? You could potentially recoup most or all of the cost by selling your Trutrak AP and avoid cutting that hole in your new panel. The Dynon servos should bolt right in to your existing mounts, and then everything is integrated. If you don't currently have vertical nav to follow an ILS or RNAV glideslope/glidepath, you'll gain this ability by letting Dynon serve as your AP.

I really like the Skyview AP in my 9A.

+1 on this.

The SkyView and Dynon AP servos are amazing. Sell the TruTrak and never look back.

+1 on this.

The SkyView and Dynon AP servos are amazing. Sell the TruTrak and never look back.


+2 on this. There Trutrak is much less feature-rich when tied to a Dynon and GNS than the Dynon AP. $1,500 for both servos, they attach exactly as the TruTraks remove and you can use the existing wiring. You just need to make an adapter for the Digiflight II harness that ties into the Dynon network and the Disconnect Switch.