
Well Known Member
Flying into KSMX this afternoon in my Rv-14A on a VFR approach I had the EFIS freeze up for about 10 seconds then it automatically rebooted. I debated going around but the airplane was trimmed for landing and I felt comfortable. While rolling out it finished rebooting and everything was normal again. Backup battery tested normal. The was a annunciation that said something about a system error -look in setup. The return trip, with an iPad and GPS dongle at the ready, was normal.

Any thoughts on possible causes. It did seem to correlate with selection of full flaps.
Flying into KSMX this afternoon in my Rv-14A on a VFR approach I had the EFIS freeze up for about 10 seconds then it automatically rebooted. I debated going around but the airplane was trimmed for landing and I felt comfortable. While rolling out it finished rebooting and everything was normal again. Backup battery tested normal. The was a annunciation that said something about a system error -look in setup. The return trip, with an iPad and GPS dongle at the ready, was normal.

Any thoughts on possible causes. It did seem to correlate with selection of full flaps.

I had that happen to my in a factory built S-LSA Evektor. Dynon System factory stuff.. not cool.
I hate to say it but it seems I have seen more report of Dynon in flight reboot than perhaps any other competitors. For VFR not a big deal but it would scare the heck out of me in a IFR flight.
Definitely recommend contacting Dynon support and providing whatever logs they request. Had a similar occurrence on my Dynon Touch unit, and they ultimately replaced the hard drive at no cost.
Definitely recommend contacting Dynon support and providing whatever logs they request. Had a similar occurrence on my Dynon Touch unit, and they ultimately replaced the hard drive at no cost.

Plus one. I had a similar problem only once. Sent logs and ultimately Dynon had me send and they changed the HD.
Dynon WIFI dongle Service Bulletin Issued

Dynon has issued a Service Bulletin for the Experimental HDX displays which have the WIFI dongle installed. The WIFI dongle is to be removed before further flight. The problem caused is the display freezing and therefore loss of all information. Removing the WIFI dongle returns the display to airworthy status. A software patch will be released to allow these displays to use the WIFI dongle again but the patch is not yet available. This Service Bulletin affects only Experimental HDX displays of a certain vintage (I believe manufactured March 2022 and later but check the site for applicability to your aircraft). Certified HDX, Skyview Touch and Skyview Classic displays are not affected. Please check the Dynon site for the most current information.