Karl Kistler

Dynon HDX: the horizon line sometimes is flickering up and down very fast, consequently the autopilot follows that as well and the stick does the same. Any idea to cure this behavour?
While you’re back in the tail cone addressing SB-00053, you might check the security of the DB-9 connector on the ADAHRS.
For what it’s worth I had a Classic Skyview and it developed a flicker in the background. Still functional but annoying at least. After several conversations with Dynon support and trying several possible remedies I sent the unit in for service. It was repaired and given a new warranty, shorter than new, but I was ready for an upgrade ( my wife hates to hear say I’m going an u “upgrade”).
I put my Classic on the secondary market and it went to an RV7 as a second screen and I have an HDX Skyview and love it.
Hope it doesn’t develop the flicker but it sounds like it’s possible. Ugh!
Dynon HDX: the horizon line sometimes is flickering up and down very fast, consequently the autopilot follows that as well and the stick does the same. Any idea to cure this behavour?

Check that the ADAHRS module is secured to the mounting bracket and that the bracket itself is also secure. Also check the pitot and static connections. Other than that it's probably some internal issue that will need Dynon support.