Peter Costick

Well Known Member

I was wondering if there is any feedback on the location for the dynon GPS2020.

Dynon pretty clearly suggest that putting it on the top of the fuselage right behind the canopy. But I really dont want to be squeezing more wires in back there if I can avoid it.

I've been looking at putting it on top of the canopy skin under the canopy itself. Looks like a reasonable place without too much in the way of shading. It's a tip up canopy.

I saw one post here that said it worked but thats all.

I am wondering what others are doing?


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RV6 Tip-up

Mine is located on the cross-support behind the seat backs. While I am not flying yet, my GPS is able to get a position while it is still in my garage.
I've got 150 hrs on my RV7 and have had no problems with the puck mounted on the engine mount under the cowl.

Dynon strongly suggest not putting the 2020 GPS under the cowl. I had my original Dynon GPS puck under the cowl with no problem. When I switched I put the 2020 GPS on the windshield in front. It works great there, although it does cause a reflective glare on the plexi.
Mine is forward of the firewall under the cowl and works just fine - though my cowl is unpainted still. Mike Hilger (MikeyDale above) has his in the same position and painted, and it seems to work fine. YMMV.

Dynon recommends not putting it under the cowl for the simple reason of signal strength. They cannot control what type of paint, or how much, is applied to the cowl and that will affect the signal strength received by the GPS2020. The GPS2020 is less tolerant of temporary signal dropouts than the GPS250 (software, not hardware, since it's for ADSB) and thus you need a good solid signal. Minimum paint and no metallic pigment, and you should be fine.

I will say this - with mine under the unpainted cowl, I still get an almost instant solid lock on the GPS, sitting inside a closed metal hangar.

Mine is mounted inside the right wingtip (replacing the GPS-250 that used to be there). Works fine. No problems with reception.
Another data point to consider. Not a tipper, of course...

2020 on the right, 250 on the left (from seating position).
