
Well Known Member
I have 2 Dynon Skyview screens installed in my RV-6 along with a Garmin 430W. I can load flight plans back and forth into my iPad and Foreflight using the Skyview wifi network, which works great. I'm thinking of installing another small box, a Garmin FLightstream 210. This would connect to the 430W and allow Foreflight to talk to the 430W. I'm wondering if anyone has this setup and how it works? The flightstream 210 is Bluetooth to the iPad, and I'm wondering if I can connect to the Skyviews & the Flightstream at the same time and in Floreflight be able to send plans to either the skyview and/or the 430W?

I have the same setup, you can only send the Foreflight flight plan to the GNS430 via the Flight Stream 210. I turn off the Skyview WIFI, and only send the flight plan via Blue Tooth.

You cannot send it to the Dynon Skyview (unless you log back onto the Skyview Wifi) I just keep 430W as the primary source for Dynon HSI.

Regards!! Tim
So if you do connect up to the skyview


Thanks for the responce

So if you do connect up to the skyview, and send a flight plan it goes up to the skyview and not the 430, i'm guessing.

That is correct. You can only transmit/receive from either the Skyview of the 430W from Foreflight.

In my IFR training, I have kept the 430W as the prime source for the Skyview HSI

I really like my Flight Stream 210. I toyed with the idea of upgrading to the IFD440, but this gives me great capabilities. Tim
Thanks Again

I use the 430 also, especially when IFR. But it would be nice if one could have a choice and send to either the 430 or Skyview. Sometimes when VFR the Skyview is just easier. That would also allow a plan on the Skyview to go back to the iPad and then to the 430. Also with the new Skyview version, both traffic and weather is being sent to the iPad. That is nice, but of course you have to be connected to the Skyview. So now you are connecting and disconnecting, which I hate.