
Well Known Member
Tried to update my D-100 to 4.0 yesterday, Dynon program said the update completed successfully but the EFIS will not boot or power up.:mad:
Anyone know of a way to reset the system to retry?
Also posted on Dynon forum but it's the weekend so no answers to date.
D-120 updated fine, according to the documentation (which I followed exactly ) looks like I may have to send back to Dynon but it has made me wonder how robust the firmware update process has been to date.
:(Sorry to hear about your problem. I updated my D100 & D120 Friday without problem. I assume that you have checked to see that the connectors are still on tight (power)? Have you tried removing the internal battery (if you have one) and then trying to reboot? Other than that it sounds like you may have to send the unit back.

same here..

I tried to update my d-180 yesterday to 4.0 , failed on back up and then
locked up, finally (pita) got it rebooted (removed and pulled battery) , when trying again, shows failed to communicate with chip #1 , but its still running
version 3.0 fine.. Now I am wondering if I should send it back ? no problems
with unit (ready for 1st flight)

I updated my D180 to 4.0 without a problem. I don't have an internal battery as some do, but I don't see how that could be an issue. I guess at this point you just need to see what the Dynon tech people say. Sorry about the bad luck.
Tried to update my D-100 to 4.0 yesterday, Dynon program said the update completed successfully but the EFIS will not boot or power up.:mad:
Anyone know of a way to reset the system to retry?
Also posted on Dynon forum but it's the weekend so no answers to date.
D-120 updated fine, according to the documentation (which I followed exactly ) looks like I may have to send back to Dynon but it has made me wonder how robust the firmware update process has been to date.

Contact Dynon. They have a forum similar to this one and are very responsive.

Talked to Dynon, very responsive sent unit back today. They suspect something failed internaly.
D100 and EMSD10 Updeted fine

Its a pain to have one die but think of it this least your vacuum pump wont try to kill you...:D

I updated my 180 everything went well. It did fix one thing I was have trouble with, while my gps was on it would keep giving me a lost signal from OAT. After update working fine so far. The 4.0 is mostly fixes for 3.0 .Have 3 30 minutes flights working out little stuff On my new-4. Kit # 2812
Dynon firmware update failure updated status

Thought I should let everyone know that the D-100 firmware update failure problem was my own dumb user error :eek:, the unit was fine and had in fact updated to 4.0. When I checked everything when trying to get it to power up after the update I did not check that I actually still had power to pin 1 of the connector, in fact I did not, the fuse had blown on the reboot but it was very hard to see the break when I looked at the fuse and I assumed as the D120 came up that the power was fine. I had put a 2A fuse by mistake instead of the recommended 3A fuse.

Dynon was very responsive and called me as they were concerned that there was some insidious problem as they could not duplicate my problem with the unit.
As they say "don't assume...check"