
Well Known Member
The left knob on one of my 9yr old DYNON SkyView displays fell off a few months ago with no apparent way to permanently afix it. DYNON customer service told me I had to send it in for repairs. I just got it back and not only did they fix the knob, they replaced the bezel faceplate with a new one so the unit looks brand new. Best of all they did the work for free. I just paid the back and forth shipping and their shipping charge was less than what I paid UPS when I shipped it to them.

To me this is just another reminder of what a great decision I made back in 2012 to install a DYNON system. So far out of warranty and they still stand by their equipment as if it was brand new.

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I can imagine what Garmin would have charged for that repair? Dynon/AFS has provided excellent customer service.
Isn't Randy Lervold (RV-3 and 8 builder extraordinaire) over at Dynon now? Having moved from Carbon Cub. Good things seem to follow that guy around.
That's good to know, thanks!

Maybe not:

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on the US economy, and direction from our parent company, the Jilin Hanxing Group, Glasair Aviation USA will pause sales and manufacturing operations until further notice. While on pause, the company is maintaining a core team of engineers, technicians, and maintenance personnel to provide customer support, fulfill parts orders, and continue product development efforts. Due to our reduced staff, there may be some delay in our response times.

We are unable to predict when we might resume full operation but encourage you to sign up for our newsletter below which is where we first announce updates and changes.

G'day folks.

Recently one of my two Dynon D700 Skyview Classic screens developed scattered faults (small red/black 'smears'). The affected D700 remained useable, and the faults/defects were first noticed after power on. I had not noticed the defects during the previous flight, and did not notice any change over several subsequent flights before I removed the unit for return to Dynon for repair.

On 31 May 21, I sent the unit via Australia Post and it arrived at Dynon on 10 June, AU$198, including insurance for AU$3400. Dynon repaired the unit and shipped it on 15 June via UPS. I collected the unit today, 18 June, all dates local time.

I was expecting a charge for the repair, but there was no charge for repair, or return shipping.

I remain a very happy Dynon customer.
