Kato's 8

Well Known Member
Good morning!
I have all the wiring done and everything turns on and appears to be working so far. Well until I tried spinning the prop to check the starter and ignition switch. My EMS monitor is wired to master switch so that its on when master on as indicated in instruction manual this is ok to have on while cranking. What I noticed is that the monitor re initiated back to dynon power on screen after I quit cranking. So I guess there is a power interuption to the unit during cranking. Or maybe just a power drop below the 10 volt min?. My question is, Is this something that it will do normally? Or do I need to check wiring or other? The interuption is brief, Maybe 3-5 seconds to display reading once cranking stops but I would like it to not do this.
i have mine wired to the avionics buss. i start wth the dynon on the backup battery it gets clean power from the backup until the avionics master is turned on after start.

bob burns
N82RB RV-4
I initially wired my Dynon EMS into the battery master.

But after a couple of years of flying, I recognized that the EMS would cycle every time I cranked the starter.

When I rebuilt my panel last year, I put the EMS on the Avionics bus and don't turn it on until after engine start is complete. This prevents cycling the EMS on low voltage, and leaves me without engine indication for about 10 seconds from the time of engine start until the Avionics Master is flipped on and the EMS boots up.

I'm much happier with it now.
It's pretty common that when cranking, electrical systems will go well below 10V, and this will make the EMS reboot. There's no harm in this, and it doesn't indicate anything is wrong with your wiring or starter either.

--Ian @ Dynon
Thanks guys!
I had also read a post by Dynon which I came across after posting my question, they said it was normal and will not harm it either. I do find it annoying however and so I might just hit the display off button before cranking and then flip it on. I do have the hobbs hooked to low pressure oil switch and warning light that I can observe for the few seconds it takes for dynon to cycle on after engine fires. The seperate battery sounds like a possible project in the future for me.