
Well Known Member
I know this question has probably been asked before but how well can you see the Dynon Efis in most sun light conditions,,,and how well do you all like it.


RV-8 Finish (the longest part)
I like it

The EFIS-D10 is not as "sunlight readable" as something like, say, the AF-2500 from Advanced Control Systems, but it's definitely bright enough. The EFIS-D10 washes out a bit as you move to one side or the other, but as long as it's in front of the pilot then it's no sweat. I see some people mounting Dynons on the right side of the panel, and my 2 cents is -- that will be great for the copilot but won't do much for the pilot in normal conditions.

In any case, I like my EFIS-D10, it's plenty visible to me in all light conditions if it's in front of you, and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend using it. The price is right, no frills, it works.

)_( Dan
RV-7 N714D