
Well Known Member
While test flying yesterday I noticed the VSI indicator on my EFIS was not displaying (I also have a steam gauge VSI that I have been using). I went through the configuration pages multiple times and could not find where I could enable it. According to the manual there should be a 'VSI' option under the 'Cluttr' Menu but I swear I could not find it. I'm running the latest firmware level on a D100 with AP. The airplane is in the hangar now and before I drive back to the airport (35 miles) to play around some more I thought I would check to see if there are any secrets getting the VSI to display. I think I'm using the 'classic' display style which may be part of the problem.
Hi Joe.

I believe you need to enable the VSI first using the INFO page. The CLTTR menu allows you to tailor VSI parameters (ROC)

From the manual

INFO ? Informational Items
In the EFIS > INFO menu, you have the option of displaying an informational display item on either the left or right side, or both. You may display a voltmeter (VMETER), g-meter (GMETER), vertical speed indicator (VSI), OAT/true airspeed/ density altitude (OAT), and engine RPM/MAP info (ENGINE). More detail about each of these is given below.

You get one on each side. I use OAT/tas/da on the left and VSI on the right.
Yes, that sounds right. I'm not sure why I kept skipping over the 'Info' menu item.

Not meaning to hijack my own thread but wondering how many people use the 'Classic' as opposed to 'Moderm' EFIS display style?

Thanks Rocky!
Modern Here

I'll admit I use the Dynon mostly for the TAS readout. I use the round dials for most everything else - HSI is cool, tho.
Another vote here for modern. Nice, clean display.

FWIW, I put OAT/TAS on the left side and VSI on the right side of my D100 (puts TAS next to IAS, and VSI next to altitude). I have a D10A next to my D100, and when I run it in ADI (versus HSI for X-C tracking and wind readouts), I put the Voltmeter on it's right side. I also put local time on the D100 and Zulu time on the D10A. Lots of nice selectability for the info displayed...or you can turn it off to avoid info overload! Good stuff!

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