
Well Known Member
I have a Dynon D100 EFIS and use it to send altitude data to my GTX327 Xpndr. The Dynon is configured for Format 4 per Dynon instructions and this normally works fine. However, over the past year there have been 2 or 3 incidents when during flight I notice the Xpndr is displaying dashes instead of the typical altitude being sent it by the EFIS (displaying the altitude is a configuration option of the GTX327). Both times when this has occurred I corrected the situation in flight by entering setup on the Dynon and I then go to the Altitude encoding configuration option. I verify it is set to Format 4, then I set it to Format 3, exit setup mode, then back to setup and set the Format back to 4, exit setup and the altitude then appears on the GTX327 again and all is well. If it happens again I will just try power cycling the EFIS to see if the unit recovers or if I have to mess with the Format configuration again.

Was wondering if anyone else has experienced this problem, if so it may be firmware related otherwise it could be something unique to my EFIS / installation.
We haven't heard of this and have a ton of people using this connection. Doesn't mean it isn't happening though.

What version of firmware is your D100 on? Are the flights it has happened on particularly long?

If it happens again, please do try rebooting the D100 (you can hold down the left button to turn it off) instead of going and changing the format. Any extra data we have helps.
Thanks Dynonsupport for your usual concern and quick response to possible issues.

I'm not at the hangar right now to verify the firmware level but I last downloaded firmware from your website on June 2nd, 2009 and updated my EFIS on June 13th, 2009 so I think that means I am running firmware level 5.1.1. I vaguely remember having to install 5.1 twice within a couple weeks because of a bug reported in the initial release so I think I am running the most current 5.1.1 release.

I honestly don't know when the failure occurs, it could actually occur on earlier flights and I just don't notice it until much later. In the future, since this has happened 2 or 3 times now, I will try and remember to monitor the situation much closer.

I see now that a 5.2 was released last December so I will try and get that installed soon.
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