
Well Known Member
While I wait for normal working hours for Dynon support I thought I'd give this a try here:
I've had an EFIS-D10A and an EMS-D10 on the bench for a while, and just got around to installing them. When I first got them I bench tested them with v5.1 firmware and test connectors. The DSAB connection worked and the EFIS was able to find the EMS and configure the network with 2 devices.

Cut to a couple of months later.

Both units have been installed and wired in my -4. The EFIS didn't recognize that the EMS was on the bus, so I tried to reconfigure the network, and the EFIS only found 1 device (itself). Lots of wire chasing, etc, nothing helped, so I updated to v5.4 firmware with no change. I've checked out the wiring pretty well, tried three different harness including two with nothing but the DSAB lines (pinouts checked thoroughly) and power to each unit with no joy. Yes, it's wired A-A and B-B. :rolleyes: All other sensors, etc, seem to work just fine. External magnetometer is not connected if that matters.

Anyone got any suggestions on what to try next? Some new way of holding my head when I push the buttons or something?
You may want to consider pulling them out of the airplane and put them back on the bench. Use your known good test harness and see if you can get them to talk. If not, don't hesitate to send them back to Dynon and they will make it right, their customer service is immaculate in my experience.

Spoke with tech support this morning, it looks like they'll have to go back to the shop for checkout.