F1 Rocket

Well Known Member
I have a D3 that I’ve been planning on mounting to the front seat back in my Rocket. The primary purpose would be to give the back seater something to look at and fly by. This was before I upgraded my panel which is now Garmin with BT. Would an iPad mini, talking BT to the G3X be a better choice? I understand the D3 is GPS based info.
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The D3 was designed for aircraft usage. The iPad was designed for people sitting on their sofa surfing the web. You make the call.
Yea, I guess that is why all the airlines are using them!

(A happy long time iPad Mini user in both my RV-8s!)

The airlines require two functioning iPads at all time. The OP asked about one.

The other issue with iPads or any tablet is that the manufactures change the form factor fairly frequently. Thus, a dead tablet may force a panel re-wire at a minimum, and a complete panel replacement, at worst.
The airlines require two functioning iPads at all time. The OP asked about one.

The other issue with iPads or any tablet is that the manufactures change the form factor fairly frequently. Thus, a dead tablet may force a panel re-wire at a minimum, and a complete panel replacement, at worst.

I think a rewiring is a big leap. You can still buy even the first iPads everywhere so replacing a broken one is as simple as eBay and they?re way less than the original cost too.
Without a doubt...the Ipad

Easy choice for the back seat. The Ipad will be cheaper and provide much more information for the passenger.
This is strictly for the back seat. The intent is to provide enough info so someone could possibly fly/navigate from the back seat.
...till you said ?fly / navigate?

I was going with Ipad....
Yes,..I know a lot of folks use them successfully, but I have had my share of overtemp shutdown, program crash, can?t see ( not much of problem with newer)

So I would go with D3

My wife uses the iPad in the back seat.

A couple years ago I upgraded ForeFlight to Bluetooth her Attitude and Airspeed...she said ?oh that?s nice?... The the next flight I asked her if she was using it and she said Nah! Don?t need it back here.

ForeFlight credited me the upgrade and she only uses the Navigation and ADSb info.

No money lost in that investment. :D
I was going with Ipad.... but I have had my share of overtemp shutdown, program crash, can?t see ( not much of problem with newer)

Temps in Mississippi must be horrible. I still use my very old original iPad Mini and a newer Air2, and have only once had an overtemp shutdown but it was summer in Texas and it was in my car (car turned off, no A/C, left it on the seat). Never had an issue while flying. I had my first temp shutdown for COLD about a week ago but that was on my iPhone 6S+ at 27 degrees and wind.
This is strictly for the back seat. The intent is to provide enough info so someone could possibly fly/navigate from the back seat.

If you are willing to consider something else, I think an Avmap Ultra would be a better solution as a single flight instrument. Cost is similar to D3 but it includes Jeppesen database for navigation and connection to pitot/static for proper airspeed and altitude.
I believe that the D3 is really intended as a supplementary portable AH, and the back seater could actually just look outside to check attitude.
Any handheld GPS or phone compass app could be used to give track and GPS altitude for the back seater to steer by.
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What are you using to hold the ipad on the panel? Are you using a hard plastic snap in case and then velcro or screws? If so which brand or model case?

Do you have any air to the back for temperature control?

The inclined mini iPad on the left side runs ForeFlight and is used for primary navigation. It is powered from USB and has a mag-safe plug in case I step on the charging cord. The mini iPad above the radio stack is also running ForeFlight and is zoomed in to show traffic better. Both iPads get traffic and weather via WiFi from the ADS-B transceiver. In addition both iPad?s communicate to each other via Bluetooth with ForeFlight Cockpit Sharing so a route programmed on my cell phone at home downloads directly to both iPads. The center iPad runs off internal battery which I charge with mag-safe USB cable during off-hours.

The inclined iPad clips into a plastic holder borrowed from a cheap mini iPad case https://www.ebay.com/itm/iPad-Mini-...hash=item3646852d36:m:mf5KN47YLGzGd3N18wxhHSw. There is plenty of clearance to the control stick with no alterations. The iPad in the center replaces an old Garmin 296. The iPad is held in place with for small squares of 3M Body Side Molding Tape placed in each corner. Works great. Cooling air comes through the large hole vacated by the 296 and because the iPad is spaced out by the thickness of the mounting tape there is a path for the cooling air to come forward and around the iPad. If ever i want to remove the iPad (ForeFlight or iOS updating) I take a razor knife and slice through the mounting tape. Works a charm?
Speaking of other alternatives, why not mount an aera 660 in the back seat that talks with your existing Garmin equipment? I did this in my RV-8 with G3X Touch.


I installed a direct wire kit dock on the back of the front seat roll bar. I also installed the same thing in the back seat of a Husky. The girlfriend can take command of the SXM music and has learned how to navigate very well with it. Other pilots who ride back seat really dig it. The aera also displays attitude and synthetic vision with a GTX 45R, 345, GNX 375, GDL 39 3D or GDL 5X "in" unit. I use a portable GDL 52 I move between aircraft.

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Back seat

My son flies from the back seat using an iPhone with Foreflight.
I love my Mini4 up front.
Another idea? build Guardian Avionics Smart Panel mount for iPhone into a sub-panel for the back-seater. Cost - $130. iPhone would not need to have SIM chip to run ForeFlight. Cockpit Sharing would transfer route from mini iPad in front seat so occupant in back seat wouldn?t have to be literate with ForeFlight commands.

...The iPad in the center replaces an old Garmin 296. The iPad is held in place with for small squares of 3M Body Side Molding Tape placed in each corner. Works great. Cooling air comes through the large hole vacated by the 296 and because the iPad is spaced out by the thickness of the mounting tape there is a path for the cooling air to come forward and around the iPad. If ever i want to remove the iPad (ForeFlight or iOS updating) I take a razor knife and slice through the mounting tape. Works a charm…

Nice and simple as I like to do my stuff too. I’m going to remove some steam gauges and will cover those holes with the Ipad. I was thinking about buying a $5 hard case on eBay then making holes in the back for air cooling. I like your idea of using double side tape. With the case if I want to remove the iPad for any reason I’ll just snap it out of the case.

Anyway if my idea doesn’t end up looking look like I want it to then I’ll just double side tape it directly to the panel like you did (or use Velcro) for now since I’m going to be adding a Garmin navigator this year to make my plane IFR and a new panel will need to be cut to move everything around. Thanks !
I was thinking about buying a $5 hard case on eBay then making holes in the back for air cooling. I like your idea of using double side tape. With the case if I want to remove the iPad for any reason I?ll just snap it out of the case.

Just one word of caution... The plastic case does not clip the iPad very tightly. Rough air might jar it loose if mounted vertically on your panel. I get away with it because I have it mounted on a 45 deg angle.
Just one word of caution... The plastic case does not clip the iPad very tightly. Rough air might jar it loose if mounted vertically on your panel. I get away with it because I have it mounted on a 45 deg angle.

So you?ve been watching my rough landings? :D

I had that in mind because I?ve had cases that were flimsy while others that were hard to remove the iPad from them in my hands let alone fixed to the dash so I agree, why take the chance. I?ll just use Velcro for now.