
Well Known Member
Has anyone had success getting a Dynon D2 to communicate with an IPAD Pro running Wing X Pro?

I can get the WIFI connection established but it does not appear to be sending any GPS info to the IPAD. When I bring up the AI on the Wing X Pro it will show attitude changes for about 10 or 15 seconds then the Wing X PRO shuts down and the IPAD home screen comes up.

I have talked to Wing X Pro. They were not much help. I have been waiting all day for Dynon Tech support to call me back.
Dynon Tech support

I was able to talk to Dynon tech support late yesterday and this morning. Dynon was able to duplicate my symptoms with their D2 and Wing X Pro. My D2 has 2.0 rev 0728 firmware.

I signed up for a 30 day trial subscription for iFlyQ and tried my D2 with it. Didn't work. Dynon tried with their theirs. Didn't work either.

I am waiting for Dynon to get back to me.

When I talked to Hilton Software, developers of Wing X Pro, i did not get a lot of help. The tech guy I talked to did not want to communcate with Dynon. It would appear that Hilton and Dynon are not on the best of terms.
Hilton Software, right now, does not have great communication with the experimental world. My AFS will communicate with Foreflight, but not WingX. WingX pretty much blew me off when I asked if they could try to get this capability. Rob Hickman even said he would send them whatever they needed. I also asked Foreflight about the possibility of them receiving ADSB data from the AFS over wifi and displaying it on their app. "We don't do this, but will forward your request to the engineers for consideration." Pretty sure that mean "delete."
I have heard rough the grapevine that ForeFlight is working on ADS-B display from the Dynon and AFS systems and hope to be releasing it before long. They never tell what they are going to support, just what they DO already support. Don't hold your breath, but cross your fingers.
Hilton Software, right now, does not have great communication with the experimental world. My AFS will communicate with Foreflight, but not WingX. WingX pretty much blew me off when I asked if they could try to get this capability. Rob Hickman even said he would send them whatever they needed. I also asked Foreflight about the possibility of them receiving ADSB data from the AFS over wifi and displaying it on their app. "We don't do this, but will forward your request to the engineers for consideration." Pretty sure that mean "delete."

On WingX Facebook page today...

"We added D2 support when it was first released. We have heard of a possible issue (a couple of days ago), we're looking into it."
