
Well Known Member
I was planning on the dynon D180 with a round A/S and alt. Came across a private deal where I could get the D10a efis and D10 ems and install them side by side for about $1000 less than the D180. Would like to hear from real world experience of both systems. Especially if the small screens are too small.

Like you, I got a great deal on a D10 EMS so I snatched fast.

No such deal was available for the EFIS so I bought the D100 EFIS and installed that on the left and put the D10 EMS on the right side.

The combination works great and most of the time I fly with 1/3 of the EFIS screen displaying the EMS D10 data.

This also gives a flying passenger the option of displaying the EFIS data on their side.

Click here to see what I'm talking about. Since you have a deal on both, buy both and sell the D10A.
Don't think you'll be as happy with that as with the D180 if you're flying IFR, but for VFR should be just fine.

And, $1000 buys a lot of happiness...

I have exactly that...the D-10A and EMS D-10.

I've been fairly happy with the setup. I've found that I have absolutely no problem whatsoever seeing the stuff on either unit.

It always cracks me up when people argue that it's too small. The text is as large or larger than the text on a traditional steam gauge and the AH is certainly bigger than a mechanical AH. As far as the EMS goes, well, the size of the text on the EMS D-10 is way larger than the text on traditional steam gauges. Of course this is a subjective thing and I can completely understand the bigger screens, especially for people who are farsighted.

Of course, I'm only 32 so farsightedness hasn't kicked in yet so maybe age has something to do with it.

For what it's worth, here's my panel:


If I were to do it again I would probably flush mount both units. My logic for not flush mounting them was that it would provide me future flexibility in changing my panel around. That logic has proved to be worthless because quite honestly it's very easy to hand cut a new panel. In fact in was one of the more enjoyable parts of the project for me. Also mounting them this way I kept the center rib for my tip-up canopy that annoys so many folks. The only modification was to countersink for the #8 screw that's sitting right behind the Dynons (you can sort of see it in the picture).

Also, I'll tell you that having a full blown engine monitor is so nice. This weekend I was flying back home with my wife. I noticed fuel flow was higher than usual. I also noticed that my #3 cylinder was peaking way before the #2 which usually peaked about 5 degrees sooner than #3. Quick in flight mag check...yep...I had a solid miss on the left mag.

After landing, I switched again and clearly observed EGTs on cylinder #3 drop off quickly when I switched to the left mag. So basically I completely diagnosed the problem without ever getting out of the airplane. I knew that the #3 plug on the left mag was not firing. Later in the day I pulled the plug and sure enough it was fouled and could stand to be gapped so I cleaned it with my EAA chapter's plug cleaner and gapped it. Put it back in and voila...everything was good again.

Then I pulled all the plugs and did all of 'em.

I usually try to run lean on the ground but sometimes I forget when I land and taxi back to the hangar. I guess I need to add that to my checklist.

Sorry for the aside.
I have the EFIS D10A and the EMS-D10 in my RV-4. The panel is a little closer than the side by side models and the text is a little blurry for my 58 yr old eyes, but I can still read them fine. I normally wear bifocal sunglasses so text is great with them.
