
Well Known Member
I have a D180 and Dynons dual axis servos in my 9A and for the last year and a half have had an issue with it altitude setting. When I set the altitude, it always descends 60-70' from my set point. It is not slipping. For example, if I want to set it at 7500' I either have to set it at 7560' or us the alt bug to dial up to 7560'.

I have talked to Dynon at the last two OSH shows and they said they are aware of the issue and are working on a solution. I'm beginning to wonder if their solution is the skyview.

Curious to know if anyone else has experienced this and if they have found any way to remedy.
In the D180 Installation manual on page 9-5 (troubleshooting chart), there is an ALTADJ setting for the condition you are describing.
I wish that was it but it's not. It displays alt correctly. It just settles in on a lower alt than is set for.
I wish that was it but it's not. It displays alt correctly. It just settles in on a lower alt than is set for.

Looking for the same solution on my D10A installation. So far I have just gotten used to setting the 40 foot offset into the altitude hold setting. Sorry not helping but am looking for the same solution.
Dynon forum

What does Dynon say on the forum? They tend to have a little more thought/knowhow on tap there than the 1000 or so answers they give at OSH. Rick 90432 (D180)
So, there are a couple of different things that can cause it, and figuring out which of the issues you're having in particular is tough, and regardless, there's not much you can do about it anyway. But, there's already a small autopilot effort underway that's aimed at squashing a different but persistent annoying issue that some people have experienced with the D10/D100 series based autopilot. That update (which we don't have a firm timeframe for yet) will also fix this issue in all cases in which it occurs.
I want to post a follow-up on my autopilot issue.

I was told to install 5.5RC1 software and that should help as it is supposed to address several bugs, not just the nav source most have trouble with. Did my condition inspection earlier this month and installed the software along with cutting in and wiring up an AP74. Took it flying for a short hop and tried the AP and found it still did the same thing. AP74 works really niceand wish I would have put it in from the beginning. Emailed Dynon to let them know it didn't work and asked what else I could try.

The next day I flew to Council Bluff 40 minutes away and noticed that half way there the altitude was holding right on the money. When I landed at CBF I had an email from Dynon indicating that I would need to fly at least 15 min straight and level for it to sync itself. It has worked flawlessly since.

I want to thank Dynon for their dedication to squashing this bug as it sounds like it was a real pain.