John Collier

Active Member
I'm planning a D180 has my primary EFIS/HSI with a D10A running my engine instruments and also serving as a backup EFIS to the D180.

I understand the DSAB is the pitot system hooked up across the two instruments to ensure that the D10A will function if the D180 goes TU?

Does the D10A need a dedicated remote compass to provide a reliable headng if the D180 is no longer on the DSAB?

Any feedback on integrating the D180, D10A, and HS34 is appreciated!
I can't help with the HS34. I have the same setup as you and just Tee'd the lines going into the 180 over to to the D10A location. I'm not sure if this is correct, but I don't see why this wouldn't work. Here's a picture from the back of my FD180. The D10A has a built in compass, so should be fine with a failure of the D180. You could if you want hook another remote to it. I haven't installed the D10A and won't until after the phase I and plan on capping the lines for now.

Rocky is the pitot system hooked up across the two instruments to ensure that the D10A will function if the D180 goes TU?

Does the D10A need a dedicated remote compass to provide a reliable headng if the D180 is no longer on the DSAB?

1/ Tee the pitot, static & AOA lines. One instrument failure will not affect the pressure in the lines (unless its a large leak in the pressure transducer - unlikely) however a pitot-static failure will affect both instruments. Most people seem to think dual pitots excessive....

2/ The D10A will either need its own remote compass or would have to get heading reference off its internal magnetometer if the D180 goes off the DSAB. Most people have trouble calibrating the internal magnetometer as there's so much magnetic stuff & wires around the instrument panel.
