Mike Taylor

I'm New Here
Does anybody have a fix to get the required 10 volts required by Dynon's D180 to allow rpm to register on the screen. Dynon talked of coming up with a fix but never has. I would appreciate some help. Thanks
First, we have had a report that the Lasar worked with no converter, even though the specs say it shouldn't. There's no harm in hooking it up and trying.

The best solution here is probably to run a tach transducer that plugs into the accessory port. Vans sells them as VTACHGEN. This will give you a 12V pulse no matter what your ignition system is.

The Lasar systems are tricky ones. They put out a lot less voltage than any other system we know of. It's hard to support a 7V pulse while you also support a 600V p-lead pulse. We have discussed making a converter, but we only get asked about this about once a year, and it really doesn't make sense for us to spend the engineering time and money on the converter for the volume of them we would sell, especially given there are other solutions.

As an FYI, this is not unique to the Dynon equipment. The GRT engine monitors have the same issue.
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First, we have had a report that the Lasar worked with no converter, even though the specs say it shouldn't. There's no harm in hooking it up and trying.

The best solution here is probably to run a tach transducer that plugs into the accessory port. Vans sells them as VTACHGEN. This will give you a 12V pulse no matter what your ignition system is.

The Lasar systems are tricky ones. They put out a lot less voltage than any other system we know of. It's hard to support a 7V pulse while you also support a 600V p-lead pulse. We have discussed making a converter, but we only get asked about this about once a year, and it really doesn't make sense for us to spend the engineering time and money on the converter for the volume of them we would sell, especially given there are other solutions.

As an FYI, this is not unique to the Dynon equipment. The GRT engine monitors have the same issue.

I have the vans gauge and sensor off the back of the engine. Can I tap into this for my rpm or is it a no no with a parrallel connection for sensor.
Resistors are not needed nor will they be helpful with this sender. We use them when the voltage is too high, but this sender can't put out more than 12V. If it doesn't read, the only real possibility is that the Vans tach drags the voltage down too much. If it reads the wrong RPM, that's just your pulses per revolution setting being off.
Resistors are not needed nor will they be helpful with this sender. We use them when the voltage is too high, but this sender can't put out more than 12V. If it doesn't read, the only real possibility is that the Vans tach drags the voltage down too much. If it reads the wrong RPM, that's just your pulses per revolution setting being off.

hopefully this will be my last question on this. I went into the install manual and to the tach. It says to set up for the tach as per the manual. Now what manual is that. I need to know what to set for the pulses for the vans gauge off the back of the motor. With that said, if the tach reads to high do I just simply change the pulses until it reads right I assume.
Dynon 180 and tach rpm

I have a dynon 180 that receives a tach signal from the LS Plasma II plus. It appears to be right on . However the other side reads off the mag straight to the Dynon 180 . It shows some multiple of RPM about 400 at MAg check. HAve reset the pulse multipler several times however it seems to return back to the low value .
I looked at our manual and can't find a section that says to refer to another manual. Can you please give me the specific manual page, what version it is, and for what product?

In any case, you can always adjust the PPR, so if RPM reads high you go to a higher PPR, and if it reads low, vice-versa. I believe that the Vans tach sender is one PPR, but I can't say for sure.

What software version are you running? We've never heard of the PPR setting changing itself. For most mags, the correct setting is 1/4 the total number of cylinders (mag fires every other revolution for each cylinder, and we only see 1/2 the pulses since 1/2 of them are negative).
I looked at our manual and can't find a section that says to refer to another manual. Can you please give me the specific manual page, what version it is, and for what product?

In any case, you can always adjust the PPR, so if RPM reads high you go to a higher PPR, and if it reads low, vice-versa. I believe that the Vans tach sender is one PPR, but I can't say for sure.

What software version are you running? We've never heard of the PPR setting changing itself. For most mags, the correct setting is 1/4 the total number of cylinders (mag fires every other revolution for each cylinder, and we only see 1/2 the pulses since 1/2 of them are negative).

I remember when I first started the engine it showed too high rpm on the dynon. I didn't want to fuss with it and the faa said that it had to be right so I turned it off. Now that I have all that done with, I turned it back on. I just did that today. It still is hooked up. I did look at the pulse rate and it was at 2.0. So I guess I need to back it off one notch which I believe will be 1.5 and try it. find out tomorrow when I fly. The install manual I believe is the 5.0 electronic. section 3.4

anyrate, I will knock down the pulse to get the rpm correct. thanks
RPM indication

The D180 is running the " latest" software XXXX.XX (The one that has the auto pilot included ) downloaded about six weeks ago. I remember having the same issue with the original software. That was one reason I upgraded to see if anything changed. I believe the pulse rate was set to four. I'll check again in couple days. Thanks/ DRR