
Well Known Member
On my D100, I followed the guidance to adjust the HP setting so that the unit reads PK (just the simple LOP-PK-ROP indicator) when I am at Peak EGT. I have a 160 HP engine and I had to drop the HP setting to around 150. I don't know if that means my VE and or power output is lower or higher than a typical 160 HP engine.

My question is whether or not having the lower HP setting effects the % power data provided on my display. It seems that my %age's have been showing a bit higher than what I remember similar settings being in the past, but I have also done a top overhaul.

Can someone help me understand this functionality and the configuration a littler bit better.


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The percent HP is based on Manifold Pressure and RPM, no matter what your HP number reads. The Hp reading is the Hp number times the percent power I'm pretty sure. The peak is not based on a specific fuel flow. It's based on EGT's at different fuel flows, more or less.
Check this thread

I had to change my HP setting from 191 to 163 to get the stars to align.


Thought I would follow up here. The dynon post in the linked thread indicated that the % power indication would still be accurate after moving the HP number to get the Peak indication right. Turns out this is not correct. I adjusted down from 160 to 150 to get my peak data correct. However, my HP %ages seemed high. Yesterday I set up in a level cruise state and increased the HP back to 160. I could see the % power number decrease with each increment of adjustment in the HP number.

For me, I would rather have accurate % power over the Peak indication, so I put it back to 160. Just thought I would post this for others who may search for it later.
