Greg Arehart

Well Known Member
I posted this over on the Dynon forum, no answers in a few days, so posting here.

Just wondering what sort of data download times people are experiencing with the D100 and D120. Mine took over a half hour apiece the other day to download to the laptop. This has happened before, and seems excessive, even if the Dynon is completely full of data (which it was not, this time). I can almost literally count the bits going by on the cable.

I have version 5.4 rather than 5.5 (haven't bothered downloading it yet).

Thanks for any insights.

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Seems like mine takes about 25 minutes to download the data to the computer when it hasn't been done in awhile. I think your talking about the recorded data right?
Yes, I'm talking about downloading EFIS/EMS data to the laptop, not uploading a new software version.
