
Active Member
Hi all,

I would like to know if the enconder on D10A is compatible with garmin, in case positive, what conections should i use on the gtx327 serial 1,serial 2 serial out? and what protocol should i configure it.

thanks in advance all


Yes it is compatible. I have the D10A with a Garmin 327. It has been so long since I hooked them up that I don't remember the details. I remember setting the format I just clicked on the different ones until the Garmin was getting a altitude readout...I don't remember what format that was. Works like a charm!
See Dynon Support -

"I'm not familiar with the pinout on the Garmin, but EFIS pin 13 should go to a serial input on the Garmin transponder. EFIS pin 21 goes to a ground on the Garmin transponder.

When setting up the Garmin's serial input it needs to be set to accept ICARUS input on the serial input that the EFIS is connected to. The EFIS's ALTENC setting should be set to protocol 4. "
Dynon has a forum on their web site. I think there were details over there about the settings.
