Dynon D-180 is not showing correct RPM and Fuel Flow. Tach uses mag pulses. For a while I thought it was the engine (Lyc O-320 w/ FP Sens prop). Here's the problem: the RPMs max out at 1800-1900 despite level flight and WOT. Then with no change in airspeed or prop sound it instantly goes to 2400-2500 (about what I expect). Also only recently I noticed that the FF increases at the same time - went from 6.4 to 7.7 gph. All of the wiring/connections look okay, the pulses are set correctly and the 30K resistors installed. Talked to Dynon and they said it might be the internal clock - as both the RPM's and FF use the clock to determine correct values. Right now the plane is at the paint shop and when I get it back I plan to test the clock. However I would like to make a list of other items I should check. Anybody have to deal with this problem? If so, how did you fix it? Thanks, Steve.