
I'm New Here
Was looking into getting the combo with the HS34. Have SL30 and probably getting GNS430w. Was wondering if I can use the two CDIs w/ GS on both units when interconnected for GPS LPV / ILS.

Also - the EMS, I have a Lasar ignition and heard there were issues with the RPM voltage? I have an RMI micro encoder now and want to replace the RMI stuff since it is dated.

Any experience with reliability on the dynon EMS? Heard lots on the EFIS, not so much on the EMS.


I have the Dynon D10 EMS (and D100 EFIS) in my RV-9. The thing is rock solid reliable, easy to read, etc.

The best part is the ability to down load engine data after each flight and dump it into Excel. Just make sure you mount the DB-9 connectors where they are easy to reach.
Andy, I'm not sure I understand the first part of the question about the two CDI's with the HS34. Can you describe better what you are trying to do?
Yep - I have the EFIS on top of the EMS. I wanted to know if I can see a VOR CDI on the main unit (EFIS) and a ILS on the second (EMS) at the same time. Meaning I can call an intersection / OM defined by a VOR radial while shooting an ILS approach. Or let's just say navigate IFR airways via VOR with the two units. Essentially, can I see two NAV radios at the same time with the two units? Does that make sense? I could draw a picture I suppose. Thanks!
You cannot have but one EHSI and two bearing pointers (RMI's). If you have the HS34 all three can be driven by different sources. If you do not have the HS34, you must pick between the NAV overlay and the GPS overlay.

You cannot have two different HSI's one on each screen, the EHSI is shared between screens and what is on one will be on the other if they are both displaying the EHSI. In other words, there is only one EHSI on a Dynon setup no matter how many screens you have.

Same goes for the CDI indicator on the bottom of the EFIS screen, it only shows the same data as the CDI indicator on the EHSI...

So yes, if you have the HS34, you can have the ILS being displayed on the main EHSI and have one or both of the bearing pointers (RMI's) being driven by a different source which may be pointing toward a VOR being used for a crossfix on an approach. When the tail of the needle is on the radial you want, your there!

The SL30 can actually output both the active and standby Nav data at the same time so it is like having two Nav radio's in one.

With an SL30 and a 430W, you can have the following sources available at the same time:

430 GPS
SL30 VOR/LOC/GS on the active channel
SL30 VOR on the standby channel

If you have the HS34 any of these can drive any combo of the EHSI's CDI, and the two Bearing Pointers (RMI's)
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While you can't show two totally normal CDI's at the same time, the point of the bearing pointers is to show you what radial you are on with respect to secondary radios. So you can easily tell when you hit radial 249 on an approach or when you hit the intersection on an airway. This is why most EHSI's allow bearing pointers in the way they do.
Ah - makes sense. So if I have the HS34 and the d-10a and the d10, I can show the EHSI on the EMS-D10? Thanks for all the help guys!
Curious - why separate D10A and EMS D10 instead of D180? Panel space should not be too limited in an RV 10? Also, less money for the single unit, and a few less wires.
I don't want to cut up the panel right now. Eventually I'll get a full screen EFIS and use the 10a as a backup. Still keeping the vacuum stuff. Still gonna wait a few years for the full glass. In my business there is something called Moore's Law (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moore's_law) where everything doubles in speed / capacity.

So... Something two years from now should be 2x as fast, allowing for some neat programming. Plus it gives manufacturers longer to add more goodies. More bang for the buck.