We just received our avionics and are in the process of installing. Had a couple of questions . . .

1. Does anyone know if this newest version comes with the weather/traffic built-in or do we need to order the SV-ADSB-470 module? It wasn't listed as an option on the order form . . . if we need to get it, should we order it from Vans or Dynon?

2. Dynon manual refers to completing updates using a flash/jump drive. Does anyone know what size is required?

Thanks to everyone as always . . .:)
Dynon Avionics

About the ADS-B, it requires the extra module, from Van's, Dynon or Stein (and probably other sources). If you want to include in original build and stay ELSA, you would need to order from Van's with their installation kit.

I suggest you take an advance look at their installation approach. I think they will send you a PDF of that plans section if you request it. (Or maybe it can be easily downloaded - I have not checked lately.)

There is an earlier thread here about a different installation approach which a couple of us have used as an addition to the airplane after licensing as ELSA.

Thanks Keith! Will contact Vans tomorrow so we can install it before we start to close up the finish in preparation for the engine (coming end of the month!)

Will come visit you sometime soon to visit yours - we are basing ours at KDKB - should be flying mid to late June!:)