Steve Crewdog

Well Known Member
Hi gang,

With the Dynon forum being down and it being a Saturday, I can't call them up and ask this:

Do I need to have easy access to both USB ports on the back of the unit,
or can I get by with only 1 USB extension to my panel for updates, etc.?


Only 1

You really only need the one for database updates and the like. The other one is more for things like the WiFi dongle, etc that stay permanently installed.
NEW Dynon Forum working

Hi gang,

With the Dynon forum being down and it being a Saturday, I can't call them up and ask this:


Steve: I stumbled across the NEW Dynon Discussion Forum a few days ago, and it IS working. In fact, it's NEW & Improved but retained all of the previous discussions and threads. Lately they don't put much effort into posting 'news' like this.

I'll skip posting the link (security practice) but will say ... try DynonAviations web page and track it down.

I recently installed a USB port with a connector to one of the SkyView ports. SteinAir has small pre-punched single and dual port plates (very inexpensive) and the USB cable that screws to the backside. You could make a unibit hole in your panel, attach the USB port plate with nutplates and have a convenient and attractive access to BOTH Dynon panels. (Label them for EFIS #1 and #2 and "not for charging".)

good luck
Thanks Gary, just found it.

I've got a lighted USB charging port on the passenger side, in Panel MK I had the Dynon USB port mounted under the panel, and it was a real pain to get to, so I'm moving it to a corner of the left side of the panel with this nifty extension/panel mount.

Of course, now I remember that Approach/FastStack has already wired the USB port in and all I need is an extension, leaving the 2 USB ports free in the back of the unit. I've been able to update the unit before via this, so I should be ok, but it's time to hit the books and refresh my memory about things.

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