
Well Known Member
I'm pretty sure I know the answer to this question, but I'm just hoping I'm wrong. Is there any other place to buy the backup battery for the Dynon EFIS/EMS. My battery is 2 yrs 3 months old and will not hold a charge. I fly and it partially recharges (14.4-15.3v) but is down to barely 12v by morning. I removed the battery and took it to Batteries Plus, they rebuild rechargeable batteries, but they don't rebuild Lithium Ion (MOLI)batteries nor does anyone they know about. I surfed the internet and Ebay, no luck. The battery pack contains four ICR 18650H 3.7v/2200mAh cylinderical cells built in Taiwan/Canada by EMOLI and packaged by Progressive Technologies LLC. If all else fails, I will order the $130 plus $10 shipping replacement battery from Dynon in a couple of days. Oh well, Dan.
Please post results

I am interested if these work out, could use a relpacement on my D100 as well...

RE: Dynon batteries

Final update on findign suitable substitue. I had found the web site and telephone number for the companythat assembles the battery packs in NC but they do not supply Dynon directly, someone else buys the packs and resells them. The battery packs do not cross reference to any other users. They are built to a specific order and when that order is complete they build something else. I could get no further info except the very serious caution not to attempt to solder or spot weld on Li batteries, they will explode if not done correctly. I expect I will order from Dynon. Dan
One might consider the Dynon warranty before using "homemade" battery packs in their unit.
...just a thought.