
Well Known Member
We've got quite a few things to tell you guys about. At Oshkosh we'll be debuting an 8.33 kHz COM radio, video input, and version 11 software for its SkyView glass panel system. Also, Advanced Flight Systems ? part of the Dynon family since July 2013 ? announces its new Quick Panel System. Available in both VFR and IFR versions with either Dynon or AFS displays, an AFS Quick Panel allows builders to install a turnkey avionics solution in their aircraft, saving thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours of build time.

If you'll be at AirVenture this week, make sure you pull a rivet on the One Week Wonder Zenith CH 750 which will be built during the fly-in! The One Week Wonder will feature a complete SkyView Touch system.

8.33 kHz COM Radio
Dynon?s SV-COM-C25 COM radio reinvented the pilot interface for radios. With dedicated buttons for tuning tower, ground, weather, and ATC frequencies, it saves time and reduces pilot workload. The SV-COM-X83 brings the same capability to Europe with 8.33 kHz frequency spacing. The 8.33 kHz transceiver module is TSO?d. The SV-COM-X83 comes in horizontal and vertical versions and will be available in August for a list price of $2195.


SV-COM-X83 Control Panel - Vertical


SV-COM-X83 Control Panel - Horizontal


SV-COM-X83 Transceiver Module

Video Input
With SkyView 11 Software, all SkyView Touch and new SkyView screens can display video in both full-screen and split-screen formats when equipped with a Video Input Adapter. Video sources connect via s-video or composite input. Both NTSC and PAL formats are supported for worldwide compatibility. The Video Input Adapter for SkyView will be available in August for $195.


SkyView with video input


Video Input Adapter for SkyView

SkyView 11 Software
With over 60 new features and improvements in SkyView 11, Dynon continues to advance SkyView?s state-of-the-art capabilities. As always, SkyView 11 software is available as a free update for all SkyView customers. Just a few of the new features in SkyView 11 are:

[list bull-blackball]
[*]A pilot-selectable wide field of view mode for synthetic vision.
[*]Color-coded airport weather icons on the map when equipped with an SV-ADSB-470 module.
[*]The ability to synchronize the altimeter setting to the nearest station?s METAR report (requires SV-ADSB-470).
[*]Support for third-party 8.33 kHz COM radios. Supported radios include the f.u.n.k.e. ATR833, Garmin GTR 225 & GNC 255, and Trig TY91/92.
[*]Decluttering of airspaces outside of a pilot-specified altitude band above and below the aircraft.


SkyView Synthetic Vision: Normal (left) and Wide (right)


Color-coded airports icons via METAR weather reports

SkyView 11 Software will be available as a free download in August.

Quick Panel Systems by Advanced Flight Systems

Advanced Flight Systems announces its Quick Panel System, a line of complete pre-built avionics panels. Starting with VFR and IFR-equipped panels for the RV-7/9, installing an aircraft?s modern avionics and electrical system is no longer a time consuming, complicated and frustrating experience. Each system includes a well-engineered instrument panel that is professionally wired, configured, tested and ready to install.* All avionics, including the aircraft?s autopilot servos, trim servos and lights are all cleanly wired to the new Advanced Control Module.
The first Advanced Quick Panels are available for purchase at Oshkosh for only $19,995. Learn more about the Quick Panel System at the AFS website.


AFS Quick Panel System - Front


AFS Quick Panel System - Top


AFS Quick Panel System - Advanced Control Module
All SkyView Touches support video in, as do all currently shipping SkyView displays. Also, SkyView displays that were manufactured in about the last year or so have the internal hardware revision that supports the video input adapter (SV-D1000 displays s/n >= 6000 and SV-D700 displays s/n >= 4000) . A SkyView Touch upgrade (that we'll be offering soon) also enables video on SV-D1000 displays older than that.
Our support, production, and repair staff are still here and will be here during OSH. For status of a specific repair, please send us an email or give us a call.
Can the video input be overlaid with your PFD data in the same manner as the GRT systems?

Not in this release, although we actually demoed that feature at SnF, with some really unique and amazing tweaks. The issue is that we need to develop a calibration routine for cameras that allows them to line up well with SynVis, since every installation is different.

One question also out there, is what kind of camera and environment do people want to use the feature in? FLIR at night, FLIR in IMC, standard visual during the day? FLIR cameras are still pretty pricey so we're not sure how much interest there is. It sounds awesome until it comes time to write the $3,000 check for a night camera or $10,000 for an IMC camera.
I would be interested in being able to view VGA or HDMI video out from a laptop. This way on a long cross country flight my non-pilot wife can watch a movies on the screen in front of her without having to hold her laptop the entire time. She can listen to the audio via wired or Bluetooth headsets so no interference with ATC.

I would be interested in being able to view VGA or HDMI video out from a laptop. This way on a long cross country flight my non-pilot wife can watch a movies on the screen in front of her without having to hold her laptop the entire time. She can listen to the audio via wired or Bluetooth headsets so no interference with ATC...

Actually, I'd like to go the other direction.... I'd really like to push the Skyview screen display to the iPad in case my non pilot wife needs to see what's going on up front.

Concerning the use of the camera input, I'm thinking a permanently mounted bullet camera for use as a taxi aid, and to ensure the prop is really clear before cranking up. Bullet cams are so cheap and light, you could have a few of them all around the airplane. Should really help with SA.
Is the video input selectable on the Skyview display, or is it limited to one input and we'd need a separate selector?
The current implementation is great for taxi or watching movies. You can see it full or split screen, just not behind the PFD.

It doesn't take VGA or HDMI in (those a huge bandwidth sources), but you can get HDMI or VGA to NTSC converters if you really want to watch movies.
advance quick panel for RV12?

When will the quick panel be available for the RV12 dual screen IFR?
Rich 70748984243
Australian Maps etc..

Hi Guys,

Great news about the improved components. Maybe in a couple of years for me.

In the meantime, I have AFS equip (i.e. dual 5500s) which of course you now manage, and I know Dynon is working to get the Australian DAPS, ERCs, Sectionals etc completed. Can you give us some idea on the availability time frame.

Especially as the US has had these for years. I know you currently have/are working on some software versions that will manage it.

I am now in flight test phase and would like to know when Australia will be included in this default functionality especially as I have been waiting and following up for nearly 1.5 years.

Sorry for putting you on the spot, however, I am starting to get a little frustrated. :)

Can you advise?

Keep up the good work.
When will the quick panel be available for the RV12 dual screen IFR?

The panel systems are AFS products, so they are better able to answer that question than Dynon. Here is their thread:


However, I will mention that the installation of a GTN in an RV-12 is going to require a second alternator on the engine. The GTN draws over 3A at idle and a lot more at peak, and a well designed electrical system in an RV-12 is already at the 16A limit with just the two EFIS screens.
In the meantime, I have AFS equip (i.e. dual 5500s) which of course you now manage, and I know Dynon is working to get the Australian DAPS, ERCs, Sectionals etc completed. Can you give us some idea on the availability time frame.

Especially as the US has had these for years. I know you currently have/are working on some software versions that will manage it.

I am now in flight test phase and would like to know when Australia will be included in this default functionality especially as I have been waiting and following up for nearly 1.5 years.

While Dynon and AFS are very much partners, we do not manage the AFS business nor control when they get various features. You will need to ask AFS when they will have Australian data.

On the Dynon side, we have made no statements about Australian plates. We do always hope to expand our offerings, but we are reliant on other data providers to get data at affordable prices, and then need to get support for those data formats in our software. So, someday, but we tend to be very reserved about announcing anything before we actually have it implemented as things can change and we don't want customers to be frustrated by our estimate of a timeframe made far in advance. SkyView actually only got USA plates 10 months ago, and Europe plates 7 months ago, so all of this is actually very new.
Older Skyview

Hello Dynon Support

Will there be some sort of trade-In or RMA type work offered to the one of us with older screens regarding the new features of Skyview Ver 11.0??

My Skyview SV-700 is not that old and with the recent updates to Skyview ( Touch, Video etc..) I'm starting to feel like I already have a dinosaur in my RV-4 :eek:

[email protected]
Hello Dynon Support

Will there be some sort of trade-In or RMA type work offered to the one of us with older screens regarding the new features of Skyview Ver 11.0??

My Skyview SV-700 is not that old and with the recent updates to Skyview ( Touch, Video etc..) I'm starting to feel like I already have a dinosaur in my RV-4 :eek:

[email protected]

I agree with the sentiments above so there is more than just one of us.
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Just wondering where is Dynon with the fix for their pitot heat issues. It has been months if I am not mistaking that they agreed there is an issue with it yet to resolution.
Considering that this is a safety concern, I would have hope to see something by now.
Rather disappointing
Just wondering where is Dynon with the fix for their pitot heat issues. It has been months if I am not mistaking that they agreed there is an issue with it yet to resolution.
Considering that this is a safety concern, I would have hope to see something by now.
Rather disappointing

The heated pitot re-design and testing is coming along and is (and has been) our highest priority project. A robust design, prototyping, and test cycle does take some time to do properly, as does setting up the supply chain, tooling, and other manufacturing considerations. We want to make sure we deliver the best possible product possible out of this effort. We want this as much as you do!

Michael Schofield
Marketing Manager
Dynon Avionics
Hello Dynon Support

Will there be some sort of trade-In or RMA type work offered to the one of us with older screens regarding the new features of Skyview Ver 11.0??

My Skyview SV-700 is not that old and with the recent updates to Skyview ( Touch, Video etc..) I'm starting to feel like I already have a dinosaur in my RV-4 :eek:

[email protected]

We don't currently have a a hardware upgrade program in place for the SV-D700 (a trade-in to SkyView Touch will work for 10" display owners), although it's possible that we'll put one together. No promises at this point, but we're listening. We take pride in offering a single common platform that gets all of SkyView's new features into the entire SkyView fleet. In fact, I think this is the first feature (because it isn't "just software" and has an internal hardware revision dependency) where that hasn't been entirely possible.
The heated pitot re-design and testing is coming along and is (and has been) our highest priority project. A robust design, prototyping, and test cycle does take some time to do properly, as does setting up the supply chain, tooling, and other manufacturing considerations. We want to make sure we deliver the best possible product possible out of this effort. We want this as much as you do!

Michael Schofield
Marketing Manager
Dynon Avionics

Thanks for the update. Is there any projection at this point? Cold season is coming up and I am debating waiting or possibly seeking alternatives if it is not going to be available within this year.
Are you planning to develop an AOA indexer, such as the one AFS offers that can be mounted on the glareshield in the pilots view?

Frank Huber
I developed one of these for the d10a several years ago. It sold modestly and since Dynon added the audio alert, it became somewhat redundant.

Nevertheless, audio alarms can be alarming to passengers, so I developed a device that is superior to both the visual display and audio alarm... A Haptic stick shaker that works with the D1x, SkyView and G3X.

It provides a progressive pre-stall warming that is hard to ignore yet does not alarm pax. It's an open source hardware design, available from MakerPlane and was demonstrated at Oshkosh.

Dynon Support

''although it's possible that we'll put one together.''

Well if you eventually do, I will be interested

Thank you for addressing the matter,it is appreciated

Are you planning to develop an AOA indexer, such as the one AFS offers that can be mounted on the glareshield in the pilots view?

I developed one of these for the d10a several years ago. It sold modestly and since Dynon added the audio alert, it became somewhat redundant.

Nevertheless, there's still some interest. Could we see at least a diagram/schematic/plans set on Makerplane for such a device? I'd rather have glareshield visuals and audio than a stick-shaker, and my passengers will just have to deal with it.
Nevertheless, there's still some interest. Could we see at least a diagram/schematic/plans set on Makerplane for such a device? I'd rather have glareshield visuals and audio than a stick-shaker, and my passengers will just have to deal with it.

I will post the design when I return. It only works with the D1x and GRT right now. I will look into making the firmware mods for SkyView.