
Well Known Member
Dynon's 5.0 software is now available for download on our website. This software is the first version to include full support for the Dynon Autopilot, including the Servos and the AP74 control panel.

The autopilot includes heading holds and changes, track holds and changes, GPS NAV mode (including GPS steering in some configurations), 180 degree emergency turns, altitude hold, altitude select, trim sensing, airspeed limiting, G limiting, and more. All for only $750 per servo. Servos are in stock and ready to ship if you haven't already ordered yours.

Flying a VOR or ILS is planned for the next update as well as other features.

A big thank you goes out to all of our beta testers, who have done a fantastic job over the past 6 months. You have them to thank for a lot of the features that are in (or will be in) the system, as well as some very nice install guides for popular aircraft. They've collectively put in hundreds of flight hours in a wide range of airframes, so you know you're buying a well tested system.

Full documentation for installation and pilots guides are also available. We tried very hard to document all of this the best we could!

Please head to our website to download the latest software or for more information:

Autopilot Product Information Page
5.0 Software Download Page
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Dynon autopilot working in my 9A.

I got my Dynon AP working today. It's coupled to a Dynon D100 EFIS which communicates via their DSAB bus to the D180 EMS.

A Lowrance 2000C drives the GPS option which means I can program a route and the AP will take me thru all waypoints.

I purchased Dynon's AP74 panel which allows shortcuts instead of thumbing thru lotsa buttons on the D100. Read the manual 4 times, called them once, sat in the airplane and studied for 3 hours, and then got it all to work on the second flight.

Initially, the wings rocked back and forth which Dynon calls the "twitch". By reducing sensitivity, the twitch was gone.

I invoked the GPS option for a waypoint 180 degrees away from my present heading and the unit seemed to roam a bit before it centered on the target but I'm sure they'll have an answer which then gives me another excuse to go fly.

Coming home, I left ALT hold on, dialed in a decreasing altitude, and used the HDG feature to swing around the mountain that sat between me and home base.

It's great when a product actually works, and now the hole we left in the panel a year ago during the build is finally filled.

Whatta blast to let the airplane fly itself, to watch the stick move around without me. Once I got comfortable with having a computer fly the airplane, I found myself spending more time scanning for traffic, watching temps and improving my leaning procedures.

Old men are not supposed to have this much fun.

Whatta blast to let the airplane fly itself, to watch the stick move around without me. Once I got comfortable with having a computer fly the airplane, I found myself spending more time scanning for traffic, watching temps and improving my leaning procedures.

Old men are not supposed to have this much fun.


I never thought I would want an autopilot but now that it is in and working, I couldn't agree with you more. It really is a good safety device because it does leave you time to look around for traffic. Also, the odds of busting some controlled airspace just went down.

It is good to hear all is working well for you.

Could you post the servo settings you are using?